Darcy Buskermolen darcy
Fri Aug 20 21:29:32 PDT 2004
On August 20, 2004 02:19 pm, Jared Fox wrote:
> Hi! I was wondering if there is any documentation for the slonik program. I
> have only found examples of code for a 2 node replication setup (a host and
> a slave) and I want to have a 3 node setup (a host and 2 slaves). All I
> need is the slonik syntax for this.

The slonik command reference can be found in the doc/howto directory in the 
distrabution tarball.

> Thanks a lot in advance!
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Darcy Buskermolen
Wavefire Technologies Corp.
ph: 250.717.0200
fx:  250.763.1759

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