Tue Aug 10 18:01:30 PDT 2004
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Darcy Buskermolen <darcy at wavefire.com> writes: > I'm assuming that you are refering to -HEAD ? > This was done shortly after -STABLE was branched. Lack of access to an AIX > box has led to this platform being untested in the new build environment. Well, here's characteristic of what's needed to compile shared libs: bash-2.05a$ make gcc -I../.. -I -I/opt/dbs/pgsql742-2004-08-06/include/ -I/opt/dbs/pgsql742-2004-08-06/include/server/ -c -o slony1_funcs.o slony1_funcs.c /opt/OXRS/Sources/pgsql-server-742/src/backend/port/aix/mkldexport.sh slony1_funcs.o > slony1_funcs.exp Making shared library slony1_funcs.so from slony1_funcs.o, slony1_funcs.exp and postgres.imp gcc -L/opt/dbs/pgsql742-2004-08-06/lib/ -L/opt/dbs/pgsql742-2004-08-06/lib/ -lpq -Wl,-bnoentry -Wl,-H512 -Wl,-bM:SRE -o slony1_funcs.so slony1_funcs.o -Wl,-bI:/opt/OXRS/Sources/pgsql-server-742/src/backend/postgres.imp -Wl,-bE:slony1_funcs.exp rm slony1_funcs.exp The three things that would be "parametrized" out of that are: a) Source tree is SOURCE_TREE=/opt/OXRS/Sources/pgsql-server-742 b) Export generator is AIX_EXPORT_GEN=$(SOURCE_TREE)/src/backend/port/aix/mkldexport.sh c) Needs access to a list of objects/functions, found as AIX_IMPORT_LIST=$(SOURCE_TREE)/src/backend/postgres.imp There are two shared libs generated for AIX, so this "idiom" is relevant to those two places: bash-2.05a$ find . -name "*.so" ./src/backend/slony1_funcs.so ./src/xxid/xxid.so It affects the file makefiles/Makefile.aix, the relevant bits being: bash-2.05a$ grep top_builddir makefiles/Makefile.aix $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_SL) -o $@ $*.o -Wl,-bI:$(top_builddir)/src/backend/$(POSTGRES_IMP) -Wl,-bE:$*$(EXPSUFF) $(LIBS) bash-2.05a$ grep top_srcdir makefiles/Makefile.aix MKLDEXPORT=$(top_srcdir)/src/backend/port/aix/mkldexport.sh I'm confused as to why there's both top_builddir and top_srcdir in there; they appear to refer to the same thing... It further seems to me that there's a pretty fair argument (why I'm cc'ing Tom...) for pushing mkldexport.sh and postgres.imp into the AIX build, as neither is particularly enormous, and both are vital any time you want to compile extra library-like-things into PostgreSQL on AIX. That's probably a slick idea for 8.0 :-), although we surely need to support the existing situation in that such a change is unlikely to get backported to 7.3/7.4. If those get tossed into the build environment, it likely makes it simpler to build other things, too. bash-2.05a$ wc backend/postgres.imp backend/port/aix/mkldexport.sh 3791 3792 57280 backend/postgres.imp 59 245 1404 backend/port/aix/mkldexport.sh 3850 4037 58684 total -- "cbbrowne","@","ca.afilias.info" <http://dev6.int.libertyrms.com/> Christopher Browne (416) 673-4124 (land)
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