Tue Aug 10 15:58:00 PDT 2004
- Previous message: [Slony1-general] table replication problem
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tohny at netcourrier.com writes: > I have a problem with Slony1. When i add new data in tables, > the replication works good but when i add a new table to the > master database, this table is not replicated on the slave database. > Is slony-1 deals with table replication ? You cannot add a table to a set that is already being subscribed to. As per the sources to setAddTable () if exists (select true from schemadoc.sl_subscribe where sub_set = p_set_id) then raise exception 'Slony-I: cannot add table to currently subscribed set %', p_set_id; end if; In order to add some new tables to replication, what you need to do is to create _another_ replication set, let's say, set id = 2, add the new tables to that replication set, and have the desired subscribers subscribe to this new set. Once they are all subscribed, you can request a MERGE SET event (whether via slonik or via the function call mergeSet(int,int)) to merge the new set into the old one. Per the documentation... ======================================================================= Function: mergeset( integer, integer ) Returns: bigint Language: PLPGSQL Generate MERGE_SET event to request that sets be merged together. Both sets must exist, and originate on the same node. They must be subscribed by the same set of nodes. ======================================================================= -- "cbbrowne","@","ca.afilias.info" <http://dev6.int.libertyrms.com/> Christopher Browne (416) 673-4124 (land)
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