Steve Singer ssinger at
Fri Aug 27 11:30:13 PDT 2010

Log Message
When doing a fail node where the failed node is not a provider of the backup node
we need to delete any subscribe entries that are used to forward data to the backup
node.  These will not be needed when the backup node becomes the new origin.
Until that happens they get in the way of the FAILOVER_SET message
that will be posted on the 'most ahead node' but iwth an origin of
the old origin from getting to this node.
(cherry picked from commit d50fba024aac79020549973e98a4ea9d5bccdab5)


Modified Files
src/backend/slony1_funcs.sql |    4 ++++
1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

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