Tue Aug 11 07:49:33 PDT 2009
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Update of /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/src/backend In directory main.slony.info:/tmp/cvs-serv30262 Modified Files: slony1_funcs.sql Log Message: Apply recent changes from 2.0 (casting to text, returning bigints) to HEAD Index: slony1_funcs.sql =================================================================== RCS file: /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/src/backend/slony1_funcs.sql,v retrieving revision 1.151 retrieving revision 1.152 diff -C2 -d -r1.151 -r1.152 *** slony1_funcs.sql 28 Jul 2009 16:05:48 -0000 1.151 --- slony1_funcs.sql 11 Aug 2009 14:49:31 -0000 1.152 *************** *** 448,454 **** as $$ begin ! return @NAMESPACE at .slonyVersionMajor() || '.' || ! @NAMESPACE at .slonyVersionMinor() || '.' || ! @NAMESPACE at .slonyVersionPatchlevel(); end; $$ language plpgsql; --- 448,454 ---- as $$ begin ! return @NAMESPACE at .slonyVersionMajor()::text || '.' || ! @NAMESPACE at .slonyVersionMinor()::text || '.' || ! @NAMESPACE at .slonyVersionPatchlevel()::text; end; $$ language plpgsql; *************** *** 3571,3575 **** -- ---- execute 'select setval(''' || v_fqname || ! ''', ' || p_last_value || ')'; insert into @NAMESPACE at .sl_seqlog --- 3571,3575 ---- -- ---- execute 'select setval(''' || v_fqname || ! ''', ' || p_last_value::text || ')'; insert into @NAMESPACE at .sl_seqlog *************** *** 3645,3649 **** -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace function @NAMESPACE at .ddlScript_complete (int4, text, int4) ! returns integer as $$ declare --- 3645,3649 ---- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace function @NAMESPACE at .ddlScript_complete (int4, text, int4) ! returns bigint as $$ declare *************** *** 3812,3816 **** v_tab_fqname || ' for each row execute procedure @NAMESPACE at .logTrigger (' || pg_catalog.quote_literal('_ at CLUSTERNAME@') || ',' || ! pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_tab_id) || ',' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(v_tab_attkind) || ');'; --- 3812,3816 ---- v_tab_fqname || ' for each row execute procedure @NAMESPACE at .logTrigger (' || pg_catalog.quote_literal('_ at CLUSTERNAME@') || ',' || ! pg_catalog.quote_literal(p_tab_id::text) || ',' || pg_catalog.quote_literal(v_tab_attkind) || ');'; *************** *** 4037,4041 **** -- ---- execute 'drop trigger "_ at CLUSTERNAME@_logtrigger_' || ! p_tab_id || '" on ' || v_tab_fqname; else -- ---- --- 4037,4041 ---- -- ---- execute 'drop trigger "_ at CLUSTERNAME@_logtrigger_' || ! p_tab_id::text || '" on ' || v_tab_fqname; else -- ---- *************** *** 4043,4047 **** -- ---- execute 'drop trigger "_ at CLUSTERNAME@_denyaccess_' || ! p_tab_id || '" on ' || v_tab_fqname; -- ---- --- 4043,4047 ---- -- ---- execute 'drop trigger "_ at CLUSTERNAME@_denyaccess_' || ! p_tab_id::text || '" on ' || v_tab_fqname; -- ---- *************** *** 4052,4056 **** where tgrelid = v_tab_row.indexrelid; get diagnostics v_n = row_count; ! if v_n > 0 then update "pg_catalog".pg_class set reltriggers = reltriggers + v_n --- 4052,4056 ---- where tgrelid = v_tab_row.indexrelid; get diagnostics v_n = row_count; ! if (v_n > 0) and exists (select 1 from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'pg_class' and table_schema = 'pg_catalog' and column_name = 'reltriggers') then update "pg_catalog".pg_class set reltriggers = reltriggers + v_n *************** *** 5065,5069 **** -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace function @NAMESPACE at .updateReloid (int4, int4) ! returns int4 as $$ declare --- 5065,5069 ---- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace function @NAMESPACE at .updateReloid (int4, int4) ! returns bigint as $$ declare *************** *** 5384,5394 **** -- Add missing indices... for v_dummy in select distinct set_origin from @NAMESPACE at .sl_set loop ! v_iname := 'PartInd_ at CLUSTERNAME@_sl_log_' || v_log || '-node-' || v_dummy.set_origin; -- raise notice 'Consider adding partial index % on sl_log_%', v_iname, v_log; -- raise notice 'schema: [_ at CLUSTERNAME@] tablename:[sl_log_%]', v_log; ! select * into v_dummy2 from pg_catalog.pg_indexes where tablename = 'sl_log_' || v_log and indexname = v_iname; if not found then -- raise notice 'index was not found - add it!'; ! v_iname := 'PartInd_ at CLUSTERNAME@_sl_log_' || v_log || '-node-' || v_dummy.set_origin; v_ilen := pg_catalog.length(v_iname); v_maxlen := pg_catalog.current_setting('max_identifier_length'::text)::int4; --- 5384,5394 ---- -- Add missing indices... for v_dummy in select distinct set_origin from @NAMESPACE at .sl_set loop ! v_iname := 'PartInd_ at CLUSTERNAME@_sl_log_' || v_log::text || '-node-' || v_dummy.set_origin; -- raise notice 'Consider adding partial index % on sl_log_%', v_iname, v_log; -- raise notice 'schema: [_ at CLUSTERNAME@] tablename:[sl_log_%]', v_log; ! select * into v_dummy2 from pg_catalog.pg_indexes where tablename = 'sl_log_' || v_log::text and indexname = v_iname; if not found then -- raise notice 'index was not found - add it!'; ! v_iname := 'PartInd_ at CLUSTERNAME@_sl_log_' || v_log::text || '-node-' || v_dummy.set_origin; v_ilen := pg_catalog.length(v_iname); v_maxlen := pg_catalog.current_setting('max_identifier_length'::text)::int4; *************** *** 5398,5402 **** idef := 'create index "' || v_iname || ! '" on @NAMESPACE at .sl_log_' || v_log || ' USING btree(log_txid) where (log_origin = ' || v_dummy.set_origin || ');'; execute idef; v_count := v_count + 1; --- 5398,5402 ---- idef := 'create index "' || v_iname || ! '" on @NAMESPACE at .sl_log_' || v_log::text || ' USING btree(log_txid) where (log_origin = ' || v_dummy.set_origin::text || ');'; execute idef; v_count := v_count + 1; *************** *** 5407,5414 **** -- Remove unneeded indices... ! for v_dummy in select indexname from pg_catalog.pg_indexes i where i.tablename = 'sl_log_' || v_log and ! i.indexname like ('PartInd_ at CLUSTERNAME@_sl_log_' || v_log || '-node-%') and not exists (select 1 from @NAMESPACE at .sl_set where ! i.indexname = 'PartInd_ at CLUSTERNAME@_sl_log_' || v_log || '-node-' || set_origin) loop -- raise notice 'Dropping obsolete index %d', v_dummy.indexname; --- 5407,5414 ---- -- Remove unneeded indices... ! for v_dummy in select indexname from pg_catalog.pg_indexes i where i.tablename = 'sl_log_' || v_log::text and ! i.indexname like ('PartInd_ at CLUSTERNAME@_sl_log_' || v_log::text || '-node-%') and not exists (select 1 from @NAMESPACE at .sl_set where ! i.indexname = 'PartInd_ at CLUSTERNAME@_sl_log_' || v_log::text || '-node-' || set_origin::text) loop -- raise notice 'Dropping obsolete index %d', v_dummy.indexname;
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