Chris Browne cbbrowne at
Mon May 26 11:46:23 PDT 2008
Update of /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/doc/adminguide
In directory

Modified Files:
	monitoring.sgml slony.sgml 
Log Message:
As recommended at PGCon, we should have a bit more documentation as to
what Slony-I tables and such might be interesting for monitoring purposes.

Index: slony.sgml
RCS file: /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/doc/adminguide/slony.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.41
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -C2 -d -r1.41 -r1.42
*** slony.sgml	24 Mar 2008 15:57:34 -0000	1.41
--- slony.sgml	26 May 2008 18:46:21 -0000	1.42
*** 47,50 ****
--- 47,61 ----
  <!ENTITY slseqlog "<xref>">
  <!ENTITY slconfirm "<xref>">
+ <!ENTITY slevent "<xref>">
+ <!ENTITY slnode "<xref>">
+ <!ENTITY slpath "<xref>">
+ <!ENTITY sllisten "<xref>">
+ <!ENTITY slregistry "<xref>">
+ <!ENTITY slsetsync "<xref>">
+ <!ENTITY slsubscribe "<xref>">
+ <!ENTITY sltable "<xref>">
+ <!ENTITY slset "<xref>">
  <!ENTITY rplainpaths "<xref linkend=plainpaths>">
  <!ENTITY rlistenpaths "<xref linkend=listenpaths>">

Index: monitoring.sgml
RCS file: /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/doc/adminguide/monitoring.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.42
retrieving revision 1.43
diff -C2 -d -r1.42 -r1.43
*** monitoring.sgml	24 Mar 2008 15:57:34 -0000	1.42
--- monitoring.sgml	26 May 2008 18:46:21 -0000	1.43
*** 5,8 ****
--- 5,91 ----
  <indexterm><primary>monitoring &slony1;</primary></indexterm>
+ <para> As a prelude to the discussion, it is worth pointing out that
+ since the bulk of &slony1; functionality is implemented via running
+ database functions and SQL queries against tables within a &slony1;
+ schema, most of the things that one might want to monitor about
+ replication may be found by querying tables in the schema created for
+ the cluster in each database in the cluster. </para>
+ <para> Here are some of the tables that contain information likely to
+ be particularly interesting from a monitoring and diagnostic
+ perspective.</para>
+ <glosslist>
+ <glossentry><glossterm><envar>sl_status</envar></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>This view is the first, most obviously useful thing to
+ look at from a monitoring perspective.  It looks at the local node's
+ events, and checks to see how quickly they are being confirmed on
+ other nodes.</para>
+ <para> The view is primarily useful to run against an origin
+ (<quote>master</quote>) node, as it is only there where the events
+ generated are generally expected to require interesting work to be
+ done.  The events generated on non-origin nodes tend to
+ be <command>SYNC</command> events that require no replication work be
+ done, and that are nearly no-ops, as a
+ result. </para></glossdef></glossentry>
+ <glossentry><glossterm>&slconfirm;</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Contains confirmations of replication events; this may be used to infer which events have, and <emphasis>have not</emphasis> been processed.</para></glossdef></glossentry>
+ <glossentry><glossterm>&slevent;</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Contains information about the replication events processed on the local node.  </para></glossdef></glossentry>
+ <glossentry><glossterm>
+ &sllog1;
+ and
+ &sllog2;
+ </glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>These tables contain replicable data.  On an origin node, this is the <quote>queue</quote> of data that has not necessarily been replicated everywhere.  By examining the table, you may examine the details of what data is replicable. </para></glossdef></glossentry>
+ <glossentry><glossterm>&slnode;</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>The list of nodes in the cluster.</para></glossdef></glossentry>
+ <glossentry><glossterm>&slpath;</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>This table holds connection information indicating how &lslon; processes are to connect to remote nodes, whether to access events, or to request replication data. </para></glossdef></glossentry>
+ <glossentry><glossterm>&sllisten;</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>This configuration table indicates how nodes listen
+ for events coming from other nodes.  Usually this is automatically
+ populated; generally you can detect configuration problems by this
+ table being <quote>underpopulated.</quote> </para></glossdef></glossentry>
+ <glossentry><glossterm>&slregistry;</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>A configuration table that may be used to store
+ miscellaneous runtime data.  Presently used only to manage switching
+ between the two log tables.  </para></glossdef></glossentry>
+ <glossentry><glossterm>&slseqlog;</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Contains the <quote>last value</quote> of replicated
+ sequences.</para></glossdef></glossentry>
+ <glossentry><glossterm>&slset;</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Contains definition information for replication sets,
+ which is the mechanism used to group together related replicable
+ tables and sequences.</para></glossdef></glossentry>
+ <glossentry><glossterm>&slsetsync;</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Contains information about the state of synchronization of each replication set, including transaction snapshot data.</para></glossdef></glossentry>
+ <glossentry><glossterm>&slsubscribe;</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Indicates what subscriptions are in effect for each replication set.</para></glossdef></glossentry>
+ <glossentry><glossterm>&sltable;</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Contains the list of tables being replicated.</para></glossdef></glossentry>
+ </glosslist>
  <sect2 id="testslonystate"> <title> test_slony_state</title>

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