Chris Browne cbbrowne at
Fri Aug 22 15:38:21 PDT 2008
Update of /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/doc/adminguide
In directory

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Revise WAN discussion to make it clearer, as there was some confusion
expressed on the mailing list.

Index: bestpractices.sgml
RCS file: /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/doc/adminguide/bestpractices.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.34
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -C2 -d -r1.34 -r1.35
*** bestpractices.sgml	21 Apr 2008 21:31:23 -0000	1.34
--- bestpractices.sgml	22 Aug 2008 22:38:19 -0000	1.35
*** 177,187 ****
  for managing so that the connection to that node is a
  <quote>local</quote> one.  Do <emphasis>not</emphasis> run such links
! across a WAN. </para>
! <para> A WAN outage can leave database connections
! <quote>zombied</quote>, and typical TCP/IP behaviour <link
! linkend="multipleslonconnections"> will allow those connections to
! persist, preventing a slon restart for around two hours. </link>
! </para>
  <para> It is not difficult to remedy this; you need only <command>kill
--- 177,189 ----
  for managing so that the connection to that node is a
  <quote>local</quote> one.  Do <emphasis>not</emphasis> run such links
! across a WAN.  Thus, if you have nodes in London and nodes in New
! York, the &lslon;s managing London nodes should run in London, and the
! &lslon;s managing New York nodes should run in New York.</para>
! <para> A WAN outage (or flakiness of the WAN in general) can leave
! database connections <quote>zombied</quote>, and typical TCP/IP
! behaviour <link linkend="multipleslonconnections"> will allow those
! connections to persist, preventing a slon restart for around two
! hours. </link> </para>
  <para> It is not difficult to remedy this; you need only <command>kill
*** 206,213 ****
! <para> The exception, where it is undesirable to restart a &lslon;, is
! where a <command>COPY_SET</command> is running on a large replication
! set, such that stopping the &lslon; may discard several hours worth of
! load work. </para>
  <para> In early versions of &slony1;, it was frequently the case that
--- 208,215 ----
! <para> The exception scenario where it is undesirable to restart a
! &lslon; is where a <command>COPY_SET</command> is running on a large
! replication set, such that stopping the &lslon; may discard several
! hours worth of load work. </para>
  <para> In early versions of &slony1;, it was frequently the case that

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