Mon May 28 13:12:48 PDT 2007
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Update of /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine In directory Added Files: Tag: REL_1_2_STABLE RELEASE Removed Files: Tag: REL_1_2_STABLE RELEASE-1.2.0 RELEASE-1.2.1 RELEASE-1.2.10 RELEASE-1.2.2 RELEASE-1.2.5 RELEASE-1.2.6 RELEASE-1.2.7 RELEASE-1.2.8 RELEASE-1.2.9 Log Message: Merge all RELEASE-1.2.* files into one file. --- RELEASE-1.2.8 DELETED --- --- RELEASE-1.2.9 DELETED --- --- RELEASE-1.2.6 DELETED --- --- RELEASE-1.2.7 DELETED --- --- RELEASE-1.2.5 DELETED --- --- RELEASE-1.2.2 DELETED --- --- RELEASE-1.2.0 DELETED --- --- RELEASE-1.2.1 DELETED --- --- NEW FILE: RELEASE --- $Id: RELEASE,v 2007-05-28 20:12:46 devrim Exp $ RELEASE 1.2.10 - Fixed problem with EXECUTE SCRIPT (EXECUTE ONLY ON = <node>) - The script was being executed on too many nodes... - Added a test script for log shipping ... And alter it to add invocation of a DDL script. This allows testing for an event-counting problem in log shipping. - Changes to support PostgreSQL 8.3 as VARATT_SIZEP has been deprecated - in xxid.c, changes to support PostgreSQL 8.3 as tuple compression has more extensive support VARDATA_ANY(PG_DETOAST_DATUM_PACKED((PG_GETARG_DATUM(0)))) tends to replace PG_GETARG_VARLENA(0) - Slonik's SYNC command never recorded the new seqno in the admin conninfo, with potential wacky results for WAIT FOR EVENT - Fix rpm build problem when the system has pg_config in both under /usr/local/pgsql/bin and /usr/bin - Add init script for Red Hat / Fedora RELEASE 1.2.9 - Reverted change that tried to support elderly apache rotatelogs - Added a patch file to apply if you need to support elderly apache rotatelogs (tools/altperl/old-apache-rotatelogs.patch) - Bug in UPDATE FUNCTIONS - wrong quoting in plpgsql function - Add a regression test that runs UPDATE FUNCTIONS to ensure that it at least has no syntax errors RELEASE 1.2.8 - Change to rotatelogs configuration to support older versions of Apache log rotator - Fix to altperl "execute script" script to pass the filename properly - Fix to src/backend/slony1_funcs.v80.sql - comment on the right function in v8.0 - Fix to src/slonik/slonik.c - it wasn't pulling in the right version of slony1_funcs.?.sql in some cases - Updated docs on creating releases to describe the version mismatch problem found above in slonik.c RELEASE 1.2.7 - Add remote_listen_timeout parameter to slon.conf This addresses the problem where a slon times out when accessing sl_event if a node has been out of commission for a long time (several days) - Resolve bug #1623 In this bug, big "action lists" that need to get compressed could cause a logging printf to blow up. Changed the logging level so that detail is only shown at level 4, which won't bite people by default. - UNINSTALL NODE failures now show node # in slonik error messages If a user ran several UNINSTALL NODE requests in a single slonik script, and one of them broke, you'd have no ready way to tell which node this failed on. Added code to report the node # where it failed. - Added test to test1 for function generate_sync_event() and make_function_strict - Added "v81" files (for slony1_base.v81.sql, slony1_funcs.v81.sql, xxid.v81.sql), necessary to support 8.1 "ALTER FUNCTION ... STRICT"; - Fixed quoting problem in generate_sync_event() - Added functionality to UPDATE FUNCTIONS to make xxidin() function STRICT; the absence of this caused postmaster to fall over when processing MOVE SET event in PG v8.2 - Added documentation of an issue surrounding NULLABLE columns to the log analysis chapter of the admin guide and to the UPGRADING docs. - When you run MOVE SET, this populates sl_setsync for the moved set even on nodes that are not subscribed. If, subsequent to doing this, you attempt a SUBSCRIBE SET for a formerly-unsubscribed node, the subscription will fail right at the end when the slon tries to insert a new value to sl_setsync. The fix: DELETE from sl_setsync immediately before the INSERT. This will silently blow away any 'offending' sl_setsync row. (As observed by Afilias staff...) - Log shipping fix - storage of sl_setsync_offline call had a wrong printf type; change from %d to %s RELEASE 1.2.6 Release 1.2.6 fixes version numbers. RELEASE 1.2.5 Release 1.2.5 of Slony-I has the following bug fixes over 1.2.2: - Fixed issue with xxid C functions - these functions need to be defined STRICT so that NULL values don't cause the functions to barf. This has been causing users of PostgreSQL 8.2 to see postmasters falling over. - Several improvements to internal documentation of altperl scripts RELEASE 1.2.2 Release 1.2.2 of Slony-I has the following bug fixes over 1.2.1: - SGML tagging fixes to allow docs to be generated on Fedora - Fixes to altperl scripts (init cluster, store node) so they would properly generate STORE PATH requests (which had broken when STORE LISTEN code was removed) - If PostgreSQL version is 8.1 or greater, we can use pg_config sharedir. Otherwise we will resort to the default guessing mode. - Some makefile hygenic fixes - Added \n to a number of log requests - Fix to UPDATE FUNCTIONS which did not consider versions 1.1.5/1.1.6 to be members of the 1.1 stream. The minor problem with this was that Slony-I tables wouldn't get altered to drop out OIDs. The major problem was that the new table sl_registry wouldn't get created - Removed some confusing NOTICEs concerning management of partial indexes on sl_log_1 and sl_log_2. - Close file descriptors upon running slon_terminate_worker() so that we don't run out of file descriptors - Added in sleep(10) requests in several places where attempts to access the database in the main thread fails; this means that, for instance, the main DB is down, the slon doesn't simply sit there continually attempting to reconnect, as many times per second as it can. - Several fixes to RPM .spec files - Environment fix to Win32 service - Set escape_string_warning to off, to prevent pgsql log noise when replicating cross versions - Fix memory leak: free logshipping query - Bug #1585 - on 8.0+, if TRUNCATE failed, indices were not being deactivated during SUBSCRIBE SET COPY request, greatly slowing loading of data. Added a deactivation inside the exception block, so that indices are deactivated during the COPY no matter what. - X-Fade noticed that UPGRADE FUNCTIONS was taking out exclusive locks on sl_log_1, sl_log_2, sl_seqlog, which means that doing a Slony-I upgrade involved imposing an application outage. Moved the ALTER TABLE ... WITHOUT OIDS requests for these tables to cleanup loops, elsewhere, so that these tables no longer need to be locked as part of the upgrade process. - Documentation changes: Need for client/server encodings to match - Fixes to parameter handling and interpreter name for test_slony_state*.pl scripts - There was an error condition where if the final line of a slon.conf file did not end with a \n, then: a) A comment on that line would be treated as a syntax error b) A value set on that line would be ignored Fixed. RELEASE 1.2.1 Release 1.2.1 of Slony-I has the following improvements over 1.2.0: - Added a SYNC slonik command to allow requesting a SYNC event. This is a more useful thing to wait for than a SUBSCRIBE SET. - MERGE SET now refuses to be applied if a subscriber has not yet confirmed post-subscription events - Added a SLEEP slonik command to allow writing code that tells the script to pause for some number of seconds - Fixed a concurrency problem where if you had multiple log shipped nodes, the threads processing them shared a single file descriptor as well as other variables. - If a child process exits with return code of 0, that means it *asked* to exit, presumably because configuration changed that it needs to reload. In that case, there's no need to wait 10s before restarting the thread; we should restart the thread immediately. This causes operations like MOVE SET to run ~10s faster per subscription change. - Added a script, tools/, which performs some of the release checklist checks, such as verifying that the Slony-I version number (e.g. - 1.2.1) is consistent across various places that need to reference it. - altperl scripts have had "listen path" generation removed as that is handled automatically as clusters are built. - Fixed some portability problems in tools/ - Added a new script, tools/, meant to search hourly for errors in slon logs and warn an administrator about them. RELEASE 1.2.0 Release 1.2 of Slony-I has numerous improvements over previous versions. Many of them should represent near-invisible enhancements that improve how Slony-I manages replication configuration. These include: - A major revision of memory management to limit memory usage by slon daemons. In earlier versions, slon would try to load 100 tuples into memory at a time. If you have tables with Very Large bytea or character varying columns, this could lead to loading 100 x 50MB into memory, twice, doing terrible things to memory consumption. slon now loads tuples in, directly, only if they are less than a certain size, and handles those 50MB tuples individually. - Log switching: periodically, Slony-I will switch between storing replication data in sl_log_1 and sl_log_2, which allows regularly cleaning these tables out via TRUNCATE and which prevents some data loss problems relating to cases where different sets originate on different nodes, when transaction IDs roll over the 32 bit limits. - pg_listener is now used dramatically less than it used to be, which diminishes the number of dead tuples you will find in this table. This, along with log switching, should improve Slony-I behaviour on systems where long-running transactions are common. Older versions of Slony-I could suffer quite badly on systems that get hit by long-running transactions. - DDL scripts are broken into individual statements This is more a bug fix than an enhancement; it now permits DDL scripts to create new tables and columns, and reference them later in the script. In the past, DDL was submitted to the postmaster as a single query, which meant that all of them had to reference the state of pg_catalog as it was before the DDL ran. So you could add as many columns to tables as you liked; you could NOT, then, reference those columns, because the query processor would discover that the new column didn't exist as at "before the DDL ran." There is now a statement parser which splits scripts into individual SQL statements and passes them to the database back end individually. - Slony-I tables are now marked "WITHOUT OIDS" so that they do not consume OIDS. It's only particularly important for sl_log_1/sl_log_2/sl_seqlog, but the change has been applied to all the tables Slony-I uses. UPGRADE FUNCTIONS will remove OIDs from Slony-I tables in existing schemas, too. - When possible (based on log switching functionality), partial indexes on sl_log_1 and sl_log_2 are created on a per-origin-node basis. This provides the performance boost of having an easily recognisable index, but without the risk of having XIDs from different nodes mixed together in one index, where roll-over could Cause Problems... These features are generally configurable, but the defaults ought to allow improved behaviour for all but the most "Extreme Uses." There are also numerous enhancements that are more directly visible: - Windows support A group of developers has contributed changes to allow running Slony-I as a Windows service. - PostgreSQL Version Compatibility Changes Slony-I developers have been following the 8.2 release expected in fall 2006; Slony-I 1.2 can be expected to work with it without problems. Compatibility with version 7.3 has been dropped; version 1.2 notably makes use of some array functionality that didn't exist in 7.3. If you are on 7.3, you're on a REALLY OLD version of PostgreSQL, and really ought to upgrade. You may use Slony-I 1.1.5 to get to a more modern version, and then upgrade to 1.2 as needed. - Process structure is revised considerably; in 1.1.0, an attempt was made to create an internal 'watchdog' that would restart threads that fell over for whatever reason. In 1.2, this is massively revised. The "main" slon thread should, as of 1.2, never fall down, which means that there should no longer be a need for watchdog processes to watch carefully. This makes slon very much less fragile than it was in earlier versions. This may revise how you want to start it up... In the past, slon processes tended to fall over easily, mandating having some form of "watchdog." The new behaviour points more towards "init" / "rc.d"-like handling, where, upon boot-up, one "rc.d" script might start up PostgreSQL, another one starts pgpool, and a third (which must be invoked after PostgreSQL is started) starts up a slon. - Subscribe set aggressively locks tables on the subscriber to avoid failures This may become a configurable option so that sites where they Really Know What They're Doing and are sure that they won't deadlock themselves can leave the tables more open. But for most users, it's really preferable to lock the tables down on the subscriber so that you don't get 18 hours into subscribing an 18GB replication set, hit a deadlock, and have to start all over. (The slon will automatically try again; the irritation is that you may have been depending on that getting done by Monday morning...) - As has been the case for fairly much each release that has been made, the documentation has been significantly extended. The "admin guide" has been augmented and cleaned up. Notable additions include a listing of "Best Practices" (due in great part to discoveries by the oft-unsung heroes of Afilias' Data Services department) and a fairly comprehensive listing of log messages you may expect to see in your Slony-I logs. - A lot of fixes to the build environment (this needs to be tested on lots of platforms) One noticeable upshot of this should be that (on Unix-like systems; Windows(tm) appears to differ) you oughtn't need to specify a whole lot of --with-pg[options] on the ./configure command line. You should be able to get most of what's needed simply by specifying the path to pg_config via --with-pgconfigdir. - slon "lag interval" option You can tell a node to lag behind by a particular interval of time. slon -l "4 hours" [and probably other options :-)] will cause the slon to ignore events until they reach the age corresponding to the requested interval. That way, you can hold a node behind by 4 hours. This is a potential "foot gun" as there are some cases (MOVE SET, FAILOVER) where events have to be coordinated across all nodes with near-simultaneity. - slon "stop after event" option You can tell a slon to terminate itself as soon as it receives a certain event from a certain node. Just as with "lag interval," this could be a bit of a foot gun... - slon "run program after each log shipped SYNC" option You can specify a program to run each time a SYNC event is successfully closed off. - Bug 1538 - if there is only one node, sl_event, sl_log_1 never get cleared out Logic added to cleanupevent() to clear out old sl_event entries if there is just one node. That then allows the cleanup thread to clear sl_log_1 etc. - Bug 1566 - Force all replication to occur in the ISO datestyle. This ensures that we can apply date/timestamps regardless of the datestyle they were entered in. - Force all replication to occur with standards_conforming_strings set to off. This ensures we can replicate a node running on 8.2 without extra escape chars showing up in the data. --- RELEASE-1.2.10 DELETED ---
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