Chris Browne cbbrowne at
Fri Mar 16 10:22:55 PDT 2007
Update of /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/doc/adminguide
In directory

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Add in notes on common changes that take place when we have new versions
or new support for versions of PostgreSQL.  This affects slonik.c,
possibly in 2 places, and slony1_funcs.sql...

Index: releasechecklist.sgml
RCS file: /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/doc/adminguide/releasechecklist.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -C2 -d -r1.8 -r1.9
*** releasechecklist.sgml	5 Jan 2007 19:32:29 -0000	1.8
--- releasechecklist.sgml	16 Mar 2007 17:22:53 -0000	1.9
*** 7,42 ****
!   <listitem><para>Positive build reports for each supported platform -
!   although it is arguably less necessary for a comprehensive list if
!   we are releasing a minor upgrade </para></listitem> 
  <listitem><para>Some kind of Standard Test Plan</para></listitem> 
  <listitem><para>Binary RPM packages</para></listitem> 
! <listitem>
!  <para>If the release is a <quote>.0</quote> one, we need to
  open a new STABLE branch</para>
!  <para> <command> cvs tag -b REL_1_2_STABLE</command></para>
! </listitem>
! <listitem>
!  <para>Tag the with the release ID. For version 1.1.2, this
! would be <envar>REL_1_1_2 </envar></para>
!  <para> <command> cvs tag REL_1_1_2 </command></para>
! </listitem> 
! <listitem><para>Check out a copy via <command>cvs export -rREL_1_1_2 </command>
!   </para></listitem> 
  <listitem><para>Run <application>autoconf</application> so as to
  regenerate <filename>configure</filename> from
! <filename></filename>
-   </para></listitem> 
  <listitem><para>Purge directory <filename>autom4te.cache</filename> so it is not included in the build  </para></listitem> 
- <listitem><para>Purge out .cvsignore files; this can be done with the command <command> find . -name .cvsignore | xargs rm </command>  </para></listitem> 
  <listitem><para> Run <filename>tools/</filename> </para>
--- 7,59 ----
! <listitem><para>Positive build reports for each supported platform -
! although it is arguably less necessary for a comprehensive list if we
! are releasing a minor upgrade </para></listitem>
  <listitem><para>Some kind of Standard Test Plan</para></listitem> 
+ <listitem><para> If the release modified the set of version-specific
+ SQL files in <filename>src/backend</filename>
+ (<emphasis>e.g.</emphasis> - it added a new
+ <filename>slony1_base.v83.sql</filename> or
+ <filename>slony1_funcs.v83.sql</filename>), or if we have other
+ changes to the shape of &postgres; version support, the function
+ <function>load_slony_functions() </function> in
+ <filename>src/slonik/slonik.c</filename> needs to be revised to
+ reflect the new shape of things.</para> </listitem>
+ <listitem><para> The new release needs to be added to function
+ <function>upgradeSchema(text)</function> in
+ <filename>src/backend/slony1_funcs.sql</filename>. </para>
+ <para> This takes place in a <quote>cross-branch</quote> fashion; if
+ we add version 1.1.9, in the 1.1 branch, then version 1.1.9 needs to
+ be added to the 1.2 branch as well as to later branches
+ (<emphasis>e.g.</emphasis> - 1.3, 1.4, HEAD).  Earlier branches will
+ normally not need to be made aware of versions added to later
+ branches... </para> </listitem>
  <listitem><para>Binary RPM packages</para></listitem> 
! <listitem> <para>If the release is a <quote>.0</quote> one, we need to
  open a new STABLE branch</para>
! <para> <command> cvs tag -b REL_1_2_STABLE</command></para> </listitem>
! <listitem> <para>Tag the with the release ID. For version 1.1.2, this
! would be <envar>REL_1_1_2 </envar></para>
! <para> <command> cvs tag REL_1_1_2 </command></para> </listitem>
! <listitem><para>Check out a copy via <command>cvs export -rREL_1_1_2
! </command> </para></listitem>
  <listitem><para>Run <application>autoconf</application> so as to
  regenerate <filename>configure</filename> from
! <filename></filename></para></listitem> 
  <listitem><para>Purge directory <filename>autom4te.cache</filename> so it is not included in the build  </para></listitem> 
+ <listitem><para>Purge out .cvsignore files; this can be done with the command <command> find . -name .cvsignore | xargs rm </command>  </para></listitem> 
  <listitem><para> Run <filename>tools/</filename> </para>

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