Mon Jun 11 10:55:25 PDT 2007
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Update of /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-www/content In directory Modified Files: news.txt Log Message: Add in new news about 1.2.10 testing Index: news.txt =================================================================== RCS file: /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-www/content/news.txt,v retrieving revision 1.19 retrieving revision 1.20 diff -C2 -d -r1.19 -r1.20 *** news.txt 5 Jun 2007 16:39:58 -0000 1.19 --- news.txt 11 Jun 2007 17:55:22 -0000 1.20 *************** *** 10,13 **** --- 10,31 ---- <!-- Please keep this item at the top of the news list --> --- + Version 1.2.10 testing still under way + + 2007-06-11 + Chris Browne + + I have done further updates to documentation after discovering a + problem with compatibility of UPDATE FUNCTIONS with versions 8.1.0 + thru 8.1.3. Alas, you won't have much success running UPDATE + FUNCTIONS on those versions. + + <P> Jan Wieck has made various casting changes throughout the code to + address a change in how version 8.3 handles the automatic casting of + string values. This has resulted in my needing to run the latest CVS + thru a comprehensive set of cross-PG-version tests, again, because + there is a potential for this to break compatibility with elder + versions of PostgreSQL. (Hopefully not, but we'd better test, hadn't + we...) + --- Sample of configuring Slony-I on Windows
- Previous message: [Slony1-commit] slony1-engine/doc/adminguide addthings.sgml ddlchanges.sgml defineset.sgml faq.sgml firstdb.sgml installation.sgml intro.sgml listenpaths.sgml loganalysis.sgml monitoring.sgml prerequisites.sgml usingslonik.sgml
- Next message: [Slony1-commit] slony1-engine RELEASE INSTALL
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