Chris Browne cbbrowne at
Thu Jun 7 09:03:27 PDT 2007
Update of /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine
In directory

Added Files:
Log Message:
Add in release notes for v2.0, with comments pulled from various of
Jan's CVS commits of late to HEAD.

The "short answer" on this is that v2.0 drops support for PG versions
elder than 8.3; by virtue of this, it does not need to do any "catalog
trickery" of gross sorts, so that pg_dump works fine on subscribers.

--- NEW FILE: RELEASE-2.0 ---
$Id: RELEASE-2.0,v 1.1 2007-06-07 16:03:25 cbbrowne Exp $

Differences from 1.2 stream

- Removal of TABLE ADD KEY

- It drops all support for databases prior to Postgres version 8.3.

This is required because we now make use of new functionality in
Postgres, namely the trigger and rule support for session replication
role. As of now, every node (origin/subscriber/mixed) can be dumped with
pg_dump and result in a consistent snapshot of the database.

- Still need alterTableRestore() for the upgrade from 1.2.x to 2.0.
upgradeSchema() will restore the system catalog to a consistent
state and define+configure the new versions of the log and deny_access

- Fix EXECUTE SCRIPT so that it records the ev_seqno for WAIT FOR EVENT
and make sure all DDL is executed in session_replication_role "local"
on the origin as well as all subscribers. This will cause the slony
triggers to ignore all DML statements while user triggers follow the
regular configuration options for ENABLE [REPLICA/ALWAYS] or DISABLE.

- Let the logshipping files also switch to session_replication_role =
"replica" or "local" (for DDL).

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