Tue Jun 5 09:23:37 PDT 2007
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Update of /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-www/content In directory main.slony.info:/tmp/cvs-serv4064 Modified Files: news.txt Log Message: 1.2.10 nearly ready for release Index: news.txt =================================================================== RCS file: /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-www/content/news.txt,v retrieving revision 1.17 retrieving revision 1.18 diff -C2 -d -r1.17 -r1.18 *** news.txt 2 May 2007 21:44:05 -0000 1.17 --- news.txt 5 Jun 2007 16:23:35 -0000 1.18 *************** *** 16,19 **** --- 16,79 ---- Here are <a href="http://winpg.jp/~saito/Slony-I-sample/">sample configuration files</a> for the usage of Slony-I 1.2.9 on Windows. --- + Slony-I Release approaching readiness - 1.2.10 + http://main.slony.info/downloads/1.2 + 2007-06-05 + Chris Browne + + Here are the release notes as they stand now; with Jan's commits over + the last day, it looks like we have everything committed to resolve + issues with EXECUTE SCRIPT and log shipping. + + <P> I'll be doing some testing on my "platforms of interest" over the next + couple of days; if others can run tests they care about, that would be + a great thing. + + <P> I plan to tag and release 1.2.10 by the end of the week; the hope is + that this will be the final version in the 1.2 branch, as work now + progresses on an 8.3-oriented "2.0" branch on HEAD. + + -- chris + + <h2>RELEASE 1.2.10</h2> + + <ol> + <li>Fixed problem with EXECUTE SCRIPT (EXECUTE ONLY ON = <node>) + + <P> The script was being executed on too many nodes... + + <li> Added a test script for log shipping + + <P> ... And alter it to add invocation of a DDL script. This + allows testing for an event-counting problem in log shipping. + + <li> Changes to support PostgreSQL 8.3 as VARATT_SIZEP has been deprecated + + <li> in xxid.c, changes to support PostgreSQL 8.3 as tuple compression has + more extensive support + + <P> <tt>VARDATA_ANY(PG_DETOAST_DATUM_PACKED((PG_GETARG_DATUM(0))))</tt> + tends to replace + <tt>PG_GETARG_VARLENA(0)</tt> + + <li> Slonik's SYNC command never recorded the new seqno in the admin + conninfo, with potential wacky results for WAIT FOR EVENT + + <li> Fix rpm build problem when the system has pg_config in both under + /usr/local/pgsql/bin and /usr/bin + + <li> Add init script for Red Hat / Fedora + + <li> Fix archive log ship tracking. Slon now tracks the setsync status in + memory and generates a void archive with the correct old,new event + seqno for all events. + + <li> EXECUTE SCRIPT wasn't setting sl_setsync, which broke WAIT FOR EVENT + on these events + + <li> Ducttape test #5 (which performs DDL changes) augmented to test use + of WAIT FOR EVENT + + </ol> + --- Slony-I Release - 1.2.9 http://main.slony.info/downloads/1.2
- Previous message: [Slony1-commit] slony1-engine RELEASE configure
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