Jan Wieck wieck at lists.slony.info
Thu Jul 5 11:19:06 PDT 2007
Update of /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/src/backend
In directory main.slony.info:/tmp/cvs-serv2930/src/backend

Modified Files:
	slony1_base.sql slony1_funcs.sql test_listen_path_gen.sql 
Log Message:
Removed all support for STORE/DROP TRIGGER commands. Users are supposed
to use the ALTER TABLE [ENABLE|DISABLE] TRIGGER functionality in
Postgres from now on.


Index: test_listen_path_gen.sql
RCS file: /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/src/backend/test_listen_path_gen.sql,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.2
*** test_listen_path_gen.sql	20 Mar 2006 22:20:48 -0000	1.1
--- test_listen_path_gen.sql	5 Jul 2007 18:19:04 -0000	1.2
*** 103,107 ****
  -- 21 <-> 20 <-> 1 <-> 10 <-> 11
! truncate _slony_regress1.sl_set, _slony_regress1.sl_setsync, _slony_regress1.sl_table, _slony_regress1.sl_trigger, _slony_regress1.sl_sequence, _slony_regress1.sl_subscribe, _slony_regress1.sl_listen, _slony_regress1.sl_path, _slony_regress1.sl_node;
  insert into _slony_regress1.sl_node(no_id) values (1);
--- 103,107 ----
  -- 21 <-> 20 <-> 1 <-> 10 <-> 11
! truncate _slony_regress1.sl_set, _slony_regress1.sl_setsync, _slony_regress1.sl_table, _slony_regress1.sl_sequence, _slony_regress1.sl_subscribe, _slony_regress1.sl_listen, _slony_regress1.sl_path, _slony_regress1.sl_node;
  insert into _slony_regress1.sl_node(no_id) values (1);
*** 146,150 ****
  -- v / \ v
  -- 3 5
! truncate _slony_regress1.sl_set, _slony_regress1.sl_setsync, _slony_regress1.sl_table, _slony_regress1.sl_trigger, _slony_regress1.sl_sequence, _slony_regress1.sl_subscribe, _slony_regress1.sl_listen, _slony_regress1.sl_path, _slony_regress1.sl_node;
  insert into _slony_regress1.sl_node(no_id) values (1);
--- 146,150 ----
  -- v / \ v
  -- 3 5
! truncate _slony_regress1.sl_set, _slony_regress1.sl_setsync, _slony_regress1.sl_table, _slony_regress1.sl_sequence, _slony_regress1.sl_subscribe, _slony_regress1.sl_listen, _slony_regress1.sl_path, _slony_regress1.sl_node;
  insert into _slony_regress1.sl_node(no_id) values (1);
*** 169,173 ****
  --Fully meshed setup with 10 nodes
! truncate _slony_regress1.sl_set, _slony_regress1.sl_setsync, _slony_regress1.sl_table, _slony_regress1.sl_trigger, _slony_regress1.sl_sequence, _slony_regress1.sl_subscribe, _slony_regress1.sl_listen, _slony_regress1.sl_path, _slony_regress1.sl_node;
  insert into _slony_regress1.sl_node (no_id) select * from nodes;
--- 169,173 ----
  --Fully meshed setup with 10 nodes
! truncate _slony_regress1.sl_set, _slony_regress1.sl_setsync, _slony_regress1.sl_table, _slony_regress1.sl_sequence, _slony_regress1.sl_subscribe, _slony_regress1.sl_listen, _slony_regress1.sl_path, _slony_regress1.sl_node;
  insert into _slony_regress1.sl_node (no_id) select * from nodes;
*** 187,191 ****
  --A transitiv graph with 10 nodes
  --This should warn about unreachable nodes
! truncate _slony_regress1.sl_set, _slony_regress1.sl_setsync, _slony_regress1.sl_table, _slony_regress1.sl_trigger, _slony_regress1.sl_sequence, _slony_regress1.sl_subscribe, _slony_regress1.sl_listen, _slony_regress1.sl_path, _slony_regress1.sl_node;
  insert into _slony_regress1.sl_node (no_id) select * from nodes;
--- 187,191 ----
  --A transitiv graph with 10 nodes
  --This should warn about unreachable nodes
! truncate _slony_regress1.sl_set, _slony_regress1.sl_setsync, _slony_regress1.sl_table, _slony_regress1.sl_sequence, _slony_regress1.sl_subscribe, _slony_regress1.sl_listen, _slony_regress1.sl_path, _slony_regress1.sl_node;
  insert into _slony_regress1.sl_node (no_id) select * from nodes;
*** 204,208 ****
  --A (nearly) transitiv graph with 10 nodes, but with the missing
  --connection (1 -> 10) added.
! truncate _slony_regress1.sl_set, _slony_regress1.sl_setsync, _slony_regress1.sl_table, _slony_regress1.sl_trigger, _slony_regress1.sl_sequence, _slony_regress1.sl_subscribe, _slony_regress1.sl_listen, _slony_regress1.sl_path, _slony_regress1.sl_node;
  insert into _slony_regress1.sl_node (no_id) select * from nodes;
--- 204,208 ----
  --A (nearly) transitiv graph with 10 nodes, but with the missing
  --connection (1 -> 10) added.
! truncate _slony_regress1.sl_set, _slony_regress1.sl_setsync, _slony_regress1.sl_table, _slony_regress1.sl_sequence, _slony_regress1.sl_subscribe, _slony_regress1.sl_listen, _slony_regress1.sl_path, _slony_regress1.sl_node;
  insert into _slony_regress1.sl_node (no_id) select * from nodes;
*** 225,229 ****
  -- 21 <-> 20 <-> 1 <-> 10 <-> 11
! truncate _slony_regress1.sl_set, _slony_regress1.sl_setsync, _slony_regress1.sl_table, _slony_regress1.sl_trigger, _slony_regress1.sl_sequence, _slony_regress1.sl_subscribe, _slony_regress1.sl_listen, _slony_regress1.sl_path, _slony_regress1.sl_node;
  insert into _slony_regress1.sl_node(no_id) values (1);
--- 225,229 ----
  -- 21 <-> 20 <-> 1 <-> 10 <-> 11
! truncate _slony_regress1.sl_set, _slony_regress1.sl_setsync, _slony_regress1.sl_table, _slony_regress1.sl_sequence, _slony_regress1.sl_subscribe, _slony_regress1.sl_listen, _slony_regress1.sl_path, _slony_regress1.sl_node;
  insert into _slony_regress1.sl_node(no_id) values (1);

Index: slony1_base.sql
RCS file: /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/src/backend/slony1_base.sql,v
retrieving revision 1.34
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -C2 -d -r1.34 -r1.35
*** slony1_base.sql	27 Jun 2007 15:51:35 -0000	1.34
--- slony1_base.sql	5 Jul 2007 18:19:04 -0000	1.35
*** 137,159 ****
  -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- TABLE sl_trigger
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- create table @NAMESPACE at .sl_trigger (
- 	trig_tabid			int4,
- 	trig_tgname			name,
- 	CONSTRAINT "sl_trigger-pkey"
- 		PRIMARY KEY (trig_tabid, trig_tgname),
- 	CONSTRAINT "trig_tabid-tab_id-ref"
- 		FOREIGN KEY (trig_tabid)
- 		REFERENCES @NAMESPACE at .sl_table (tab_id)
- comment on table @NAMESPACE at .sl_trigger is 'Holds information about triggers on tables managed using Slony-I';
- comment on column @NAMESPACE at .sl_trigger.trig_tabid is 'Slony-I ID number of table the trigger is on';
- comment on column @NAMESPACE at .sl_trigger.trig_tgname is 'Indicates the name of a trigger';
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- TABLE sl_sequence
  -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- 137,140 ----

Index: slony1_funcs.sql
RCS file: /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/src/backend/slony1_funcs.sql,v
retrieving revision 1.113
retrieving revision 1.114
diff -C2 -d -r1.113 -r1.114
*** slony1_funcs.sql	27 Jun 2007 15:51:35 -0000	1.113
--- slony1_funcs.sql	5 Jul 2007 18:19:04 -0000	1.114
*** 3443,3584 ****
  -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- FUNCTION storeTrigger (trig_tabid, trig_tgname)
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- create or replace function @NAMESPACE at .storeTrigger (int4, name)
- returns bigint
- as '
- declare
- 	p_trig_tabid		alias for $1;
- 	p_trig_tgname		alias for $2;
- begin
- 	perform @NAMESPACE at .storeTrigger_int(p_trig_tabid, p_trig_tgname);
- 	return  @NAMESPACE at .createEvent(''_ at CLUSTERNAME@'', ''STORE_TRIGGER'',
- 			p_trig_tabid::text, p_trig_tgname::text);
- end;
- ' language plpgsql;
- comment on function @NAMESPACE at .storeTrigger (int4, name) is
- 'storeTrigger (trig_tabid, trig_tgname)
- Submits STORE_TRIGGER event to indicate that trigger trig_tgname on
- replicated table trig_tabid will NOT be disabled.';
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- FUNCTION storeTrigger_int (trig_tabid, trig_tgname)
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- create or replace function @NAMESPACE at .storeTrigger_int (int4, name)
- returns int4
- as '
- declare
- 	p_trig_tabid		alias for $1;
- 	p_trig_tgname		alias for $2;
- 	v_tab_altered		boolean;
- begin
- 	-- ----
- 	-- Grab the central configuration lock
- 	-- ----
- 	lock table @NAMESPACE at .sl_config_lock;
- 	-- ----
- 	-- Get the current table status (altered or not)
- 	-- ----
- 	select tab_altered into v_tab_altered
- 			from @NAMESPACE at .sl_table where tab_id = p_trig_tabid;
- 	if not found then
- 		-- ----
- 		-- Not found is no hard error here, because that might
- 		-- mean that we are not subscribed to that set
- 		-- ----
- 		return 0;
- 	end if;
- 	-- ----
- 	-- Make sure that an entry for this trigger exists
- 	-- ----
- 	delete from @NAMESPACE at .sl_trigger
- 			where trig_tabid = p_trig_tabid
- 			  and trig_tgname = p_trig_tgname;
- 	insert into @NAMESPACE at .sl_trigger (
- 				trig_tabid, trig_tgname
- 			) values (
- 				p_trig_tabid, p_trig_tgname
- 			);
- 	return p_trig_tabid;
- end;
- ' language plpgsql;
- comment on function @NAMESPACE at .storeTrigger_int (int4, name) is
- 'storeTrigger_int (trig_tabid, trig_tgname)
- Processes STORE_TRIGGER event to make sure that trigger trig_tgname on
- replicated table trig_tabid is NOT disabled.';
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- FUNCTION dropTrigger (trig_tabid, trig_tgname)
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- create or replace function @NAMESPACE at .dropTrigger (int4, name)
- returns bigint
- as '
- declare
- 	p_trig_tabid		alias for $1;
- 	p_trig_tgname		alias for $2;
- begin
- 	perform @NAMESPACE at .dropTrigger_int(p_trig_tabid, p_trig_tgname);
- 	return  @NAMESPACE at .createEvent(''_ at CLUSTERNAME@'', ''DROP_TRIGGER'',
- 			p_trig_tabid::text, p_trig_tgname::text);
- end;
- ' language plpgsql;
- comment on function @NAMESPACE at .dropTrigger (int4, name) is
- 'dropTrigger (trig_tabid, trig_tgname)
- Submits DROP_TRIGGER event to indicate that trigger trig_tgname on
- replicated table trig_tabid WILL be disabled.';
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- FUNCTION dropTrigger_int (trig_tabid, trig_tgname)
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- create or replace function @NAMESPACE at .dropTrigger_int (int4, name)
- returns int4
- as '
- declare
- 	p_trig_tabid		alias for $1;
- 	p_trig_tgname		alias for $2;
- 	v_tab_altered		boolean;
- begin
- 	-- ----
- 	-- Grab the central configuration lock
- 	-- ----
- 	lock table @NAMESPACE at .sl_config_lock;
- 	-- ----
- 	-- Get the current table status (altered or not)
- 	-- ----
- 	select tab_altered into v_tab_altered
- 			from @NAMESPACE at .sl_table where tab_id = p_trig_tabid;
- 	if not found then
- 		-- ----
- 		-- Not found is no hard error here, because that might
- 		-- mean that we are not subscribed to that set
- 		-- ----
- 		return 0;
- 	end if;
- 	-- ----
- 	-- Remove the entry from sl_trigger
- 	-- ----
- 	delete from @NAMESPACE at .sl_trigger
- 			where trig_tabid = p_trig_tabid
- 			  and trig_tgname = p_trig_tgname;
- 	return p_trig_tabid;
- end;
- ' language plpgsql;
- comment on function @NAMESPACE at .dropTrigger_int (int4, name) is
- 'dropTrigger_int (trig_tabid, trig_tgname)
- Processes DROP_TRIGGER event to make sure that trigger trig_tgname on
- replicated table trig_tabid IS disabled.';
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- FUNCTION ddlScript_prepare (set_id, only_on_node)
--- 3443,3446 ----

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