Chris Browne cbbrowne at
Tue Aug 21 15:13:24 PDT 2007
Update of /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/src/backend
In directory

Modified Files:
      Tag: REL_1_2_STABLE
Log Message:
Add comments for recently-added tables

Index: slony1_base.sql
RCS file: /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/src/backend/slony1_base.sql,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.32.2.1 -r1.32.2.2
*** slony1_base.sql	20 Aug 2007 17:02:28 -0000
--- slony1_base.sql	21 Aug 2007 22:13:22 -0000
*** 573,576 ****
--- 573,577 ----
  comment on table @NAMESPACE at .sl_config_lock is 'This table exists solely to prevent overlapping execution of configuration change procedures and the resulting possible deadlocks.
+ comment on column @NAMESPACE at .sl_config_lock.dummy is 'No data ever goes in this table so the contents never matter.  Indeed, this column does not really need to exist.';
  -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
*** 585,588 ****
--- 586,591 ----
  comment on table @NAMESPACE at .sl_archive_counter is 'Table used to generate the log shipping archive number.
+ comment on column @NAMESPACE at .sl_archive_counter.ac_num is 'Counter of SYNC ID used in log shipping as the archive number';
+ comment on column @NAMESPACE at .sl_archive_counter.ac_timestamp is 'Time at which the archive log was generated on the subscriber';
  insert into @NAMESPACE at .sl_archive_counter (ac_num, ac_timestamp)

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