Jan Wieck wieck at lists.slony.info
Mon Aug 20 11:22:28 PDT 2007
Update of /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/src/backend
In directory main.slony.info:/tmp/cvs-serv10238/src/backend

Modified Files:
	slony1_base.sql slony1_funcs.sql 
Log Message:
Forward patching the new archive tracking into HEAD


Index: slony1_base.sql
RCS file: /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/src/backend/slony1_base.sql,v
retrieving revision 1.35
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -C2 -d -r1.35 -r1.36
*** slony1_base.sql	5 Jul 2007 18:19:04 -0000	1.35
--- slony1_base.sql	20 Aug 2007 18:22:25 -0000	1.36
*** 549,552 ****
--- 549,567 ----
  -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- TABLE sl_archive_counter
+ --
+ --	This table is used to generate the archive number for logshipping.
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ create table @NAMESPACE at .sl_archive_counter (
+ 	ac_num			bigint,
+ 	ac_timestamp	timestamp
+ ) without oids;
+ comment on table @NAMESPACE at .sl_archive_counter is 'Table used to generate the log shipping archive number.
+ ';
+ insert into @NAMESPACE at .sl_archive_counter (ac_num, ac_timestamp)
+ 	values (0, 'epoch'::timestamp);
+ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- Last but not least grant USAGE to the replication schema objects.
  -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Index: slony1_funcs.sql
RCS file: /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/src/backend/slony1_funcs.sql,v
retrieving revision 1.117
retrieving revision 1.118
diff -C2 -d -r1.117 -r1.118
*** slony1_funcs.sql	29 Jul 2007 20:15:41 -0000	1.117
--- slony1_funcs.sql	20 Aug 2007 18:22:25 -0000	1.118
*** 5304,5307 ****
--- 5304,5323 ----
  		-- ----
  		execute ''create type @NAMESPACE at .vactables as (nspname name, relname name);'';
+ 	end if;
+ 	-- ----
+ 	-- The following is already in 1.2.11, do not add any future
+ 	-- 1.2 version numbers.
+ 	-- ----
+ 	if p_old IN (''1.2.0'', ''1.2.1'', ''1.2.2'', ''1.2.3'', ''1.2.4'', ''1.2.5'', ''1.2.6'', ''1.2.7'', ''1.2.8'', ''1.2.9'', ''1.2.10'') then
+ 		-- ----
+ 		-- Add new table sl_archive_counter
+ 		-- ----
+ 		execute ''create table @NAMESPACE at .sl_archive_counter (
+ 					ac_num			bigint,
+ 					ac_timestamp	timestamp
+ 				) without oids'';
+ 		execute ''insert into @NAMESPACE at .sl_archive_counter
+ 				(ac_num, ac_timestamp) values (0, ''''epoch''''::timestamp)'';
  	end if;

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