Wed Nov 15 14:10:45 PST 2006
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Log Message: ----------- More notes to explain the implications of upgrading from one version of Slony-I to another. Tags: ---- REL_1_2_STABLE Modified Files: -------------- slony1-engine/doc/adminguide: slonyupgrade.sgml (r1.3 -> r1.3.2.1) -------------- next part -------------- Index: slonyupgrade.sgml =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/slony1/slony1-engine/doc/adminguide/slonyupgrade.sgml,v retrieving revision 1.3 retrieving revision diff -Ldoc/adminguide/slonyupgrade.sgml -Ldoc/adminguide/slonyupgrade.sgml -u -w -r1.3 -r1.3.2.1 --- doc/adminguide/slonyupgrade.sgml +++ doc/adminguide/slonyupgrade.sgml @@ -23,6 +23,14 @@ <listitem><para> Start all slons. </para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> +<para> The overall operation is relatively safe: If there is any +mismatch between component versions, the &lslon; will refuse to start +up, which provides protection against corruption. </para> + +<para> You need to be sure that the C library containing SPI trigger +functions has been copied into place in the &postgres; build. There +are multiple possible approaches to this:</para> + <para> The trickiest part of this is ensuring that the C library containing SPI functions is copied into place in the &postgres; build; the easiest and safest way to handle this is to have two separate @@ -37,6 +45,35 @@ work on <trademark>Windows</trademark> if it locks library files that are in use.</para> +<variablelist> + +<varlistentry><term>Run <command>make install</command> to install new +&slony1; components on top of the old</term> + +<listitem><para>If you build &slony1; on the same system on which it +is to be deployed, and build from sources, overwriting the old with +the new is as easy as <command>make install</command>. There is no +need to restart a database backend; just to stop &lslon; processes, +run the <command>UPDATE FUNCTIONS</command> script, and start new +&lslon; processes.</para> + +<para> Unfortunately, this approach requires having a build +environment on the same host as the deployment. That may not be +consistent with efforts to use common &postgres; and &slony1; binaries +across a set of nodes. </para> +</listitem></varlistentry> + +<varlistentry><term>Create a new &postgres; and &slony1; build</term> + +<listitem><para>With this approach, the old &postgres; build with old +&slony1; components persists after switching to a new &postgres; build +with new &slony1; components. In order to switch to the new &slony1; +build, you need to restart the +&postgres; <command>postmaster</command>, therefore interrupting +applications, in order to get it to be aware of the location of the +new components. </para></listitem></varlistentry> + +</variablelist> </sect1> <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file Local variables:
- Previous message: [Slony1-commit] By cbbrowne: More notes explaining the implications of upgrading from
- Next message: [Slony1-commit] By cbbrowne: Add a new tool script,, which may be used to
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