CVS User Account cvsuser
Wed Nov 1 14:14:36 PST 2006
Log Message:
Mark in release checklist that it may be needful to update version
numbers in src/backend/slony1_funcs.sql

Modified Files:
        releasechecklist.sgml (r1.4 -> r1.5)

-------------- next part --------------
Index: releasechecklist.sgml
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/slony1/slony1-engine/doc/adminguide/releasechecklist.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -Ldoc/adminguide/releasechecklist.sgml -Ldoc/adminguide/releasechecklist.sgml -u -w -r1.4 -r1.5
--- doc/adminguide/releasechecklist.sgml
+++ doc/adminguide/releasechecklist.sgml
@@ -49,18 +49,29 @@
 <listitem><para>PACKAGE_STRING=postgresql-slony1-engine REL_1_1_2</para></listitem>
-<para> RPM spec files used to contain release tags as well as names of tarballs which needed to be updated. As of 2005-12-13, there is less of this...   For those platforms with specific spec files such as SuSE, some editing still needs to be done. see the file(s) in the <filename>suse</filename> dir for more information </para>
+<para> RPM spec files used to contain release tags as well as names of
+tarballs which needed to be updated. As of 2005-12-13, there is less
+of this...  For those platforms with specific spec files such as SuSE,
+some editing still needs to be done. see the file(s) in the
+<filename>suse</filename> dir for more information </para>
 <para> The admin guide <filename>version.sgml</filename> file needs to
 contain the release name. This should not need to be touched;
 <filename>version.sgml</filename> is generated automatically with the
 release name/tag on demand. </para>
-<para> It sure would be nice if more of these could be assigned automatically, somehow.
+<para> <filename>src/backend/slony1_funcs.sql</filename> has
+major/minor/patch versions in functions
+<function>slonyVersionMinor()</function>, and
+<function>slonyVersionPatchlevel()</function>.  These need to be
+assigned <quote>by hand</quote> at this point.</para>
+<para> It sure would be nice if more of these could be assigned
+automatically, somehow.</para></listitem>
 <listitem><para><emphasis>Don't</emphasis> commit the new configure.

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