CVS User Account cvsuser
Thu Jun 22 07:34:18 PDT 2006
Log Message:
Monitoring docs:  Wording changes, added links to slonik commands

Modified Files:
        monitoring.sgml (r1.23 -> r1.24)

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Index: monitoring.sgml
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/slony1/slony1-engine/doc/adminguide/monitoring.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.23
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -Ldoc/adminguide/monitoring.sgml -Ldoc/adminguide/monitoring.sgml -u -w -r1.23 -r1.24
--- doc/adminguide/monitoring.sgml
+++ doc/adminguide/monitoring.sgml
@@ -62,8 +62,9 @@
 <sect2> <title> How to read &slony1; logs </title>
-<para> Note that as far as slon is concerned, there is no "master" or
-"slave."  They are just nodes. </para>
+<para> Note that as far as slon is concerned, there is no
+<quote>master</quote> or <quote>slave.</quote> They are just
+nodes. </para>
 <para>What you can expect, initially, is to see, on both nodes, some
 events propagating back and forth.  Firstly, there should be some
@@ -75,21 +76,26 @@
 <listitem><para>Create the two nodes.</para> 
-<para> No slons are running yet, so there are no logs to look at.</para>
+<para> No slons are running yet, so there are no logs to look
 <listitem><para> Start the two slons</para>
 <para> The logs for each will start out very quiet, as neither node
-has much to say, and neither node knows how to talk to any other node.
+has much to say, and neither node knows how to talk to another
+node. </para>
-<listitem><para> Do the <command>STORE PATH</command> for the
+<listitem><para> Do the <xref linkend="stmtstorepath"> to set up
 communications paths.  That will allow the nodes to start to become
 aware of one another.</para>
+<para> The slon logs should now start to receive events from
+<quote>foreign</quote> nodes.</para>
 <para> In version 1.0, <xref linkend=""> is not set up
 automatically, so things still remain quiet until you explicitly
 submit <command>STORE LISTEN</command> requests. In version 1.1, the
@@ -108,7 +114,7 @@
 <listitem><para> If needed (<emphasis>e.g.</emphasis> - before version
-1.1), submit <command>STORE LISTEN</command> requests to indicate how
+1.1), submit <xref linkend="stmtstorelisten"> requests to indicate how
 the nodes will use the communications paths. </para>
 <para> Once this has been done, the nodes' logs should show a greater
@@ -116,13 +122,15 @@
 node or the other, and propagating to the other. </para>
-<listitem> <para> You'll set up the set (<command>CREATE
-SET</command>), add tables (<command>SET ADD TABLE</command>), and
-sequences (<command>SET ADD SEQUENCE</command>), and will see relevant
-events only on the origin node for the set. </para></listitem>
-<listitem><para> Then, when you submit the <command>SUBSCRIBE SET</command>
-request, the event should go to both nodes. </para>
+<listitem> <para> You'll set up the set (<xref
+linkend="stmtcreateset">), add tables (<xref
+linkend="stmtsetaddtable">), and sequences (<xref
+linkend="stmtsetaddsequence">), and will see relevant events only on
+the origin node for the set. </para></listitem>
+<listitem><para> Then, when you submit the <xref
+linkend="stmtsubscribeset"> request, the event should go to both
+nodes. </para>
 <para> The origin node has little more to do, after that...  The
 subscriber will then have a <command>COPY_SET</command> event, which
@@ -135,9 +143,9 @@
-<listitem><para> On the origin, there won't be much logged, just
-indication that some <command>SYNC</command> events are being
-generated and confirmed by other nodes.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para> On the origin, there won't be too terribly much
+logged, just indication that some <command>SYNC</command> events are
+being generated and confirmed by other nodes.</para></listitem>
 <listitem><para> On the subscriber, there will be reports of
 <command>SYNC</command> events, and that the subscriber pulls data

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