CVS User Account cvsuser
Tue Apr 11 07:39:52 PDT 2006
Log Message:
Add additional log shipping comments concerning troubles likely to be
experienced if you run SUBSCRIBE SET on a log shipping node

Modified Files:
        logshipping.sgml (r1.13 -> r1.14)

-------------- next part --------------
Index: logshipping.sgml
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/slony1/slony1-engine/doc/adminguide/logshipping.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.13
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -Ldoc/adminguide/logshipping.sgml -Ldoc/adminguide/logshipping.sgml -u -w -r1.13 -r1.14
--- doc/adminguide/logshipping.sgml
+++ doc/adminguide/logshipping.sgml
@@ -95,10 +95,11 @@
 </link></application> for the subscriber node with logging turned on.
 At any point after that, you can run
 <application></application>, which will pull the state
-of that subscriber as of some <command>SYNC</command> event.  Once the dump completes,
-all the <command>SYNC</command> logs generated from the time that dump
-<emphasis>started</emphasis> may be added to the dump in order to get
-a <quote>log shipping subscriber.</quote> </para></answer>
+of that subscriber as of some <command>SYNC</command> event.  Once the
+dump completes, all the <command>SYNC</command> logs generated from
+the time that dump <emphasis>started</emphasis> may be added to the
+dump in order to get a <quote>log shipping subscriber.</quote>
 <qandaentry> <question><para> What are the limitations of log
@@ -148,7 +149,30 @@
 <command>MERGE_SET</command>, will be handled
-<listitem><para><command> SUBSCRIBE_SET </command></para></listitem> 
+<listitem><para><command> SUBSCRIBE_SET </command></para>
+<para> Unfortunately, there is some <quote>strangeness</quote> in the
+handling of this...  When <command>SUBSCRIBE_SET</command> occurs, it
+leads to an event being raised, and processed, <emphasis>purely on the
+subscriber</emphasis>, called <command>ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTION</command>.</para>
+<para> <command> SUBSCRIBE_SET </command> is really quite a simple
+event; it merely <emphasis>declares</emphasis> that a node is
+subscribing to a particular set via a particular provider.  <emphasis>
+It doesn't copy data!</emphasis> </para>
+<para> The meat of the subscription work is done by
+<command>ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTION</command>, which is an event that is
+raised on the local node, not in the same sequence as the other events
+coming from other nodes (notably the data provider). </para>
+<para> Unfortunately, the upshot of this is that when a node newly
+subscribes to a set, the log that actually contains the data is in a
+separate sequencing from the sequencing of the normal
+<command>SYNC</command> logs.  Blindly loading these logs will throw
+things off :-(. </para>
 <listitem><para> The various events involved in node configuration are
 irrelevant to log shipping:

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