CVS User Account cvsuser
Thu Oct 6 03:19:00 PDT 2005
Log Message:
Bug #1437

Columns that have been dropped should be excluded from the set of
columns in the COPY statement...


Modified Files:
        slony1_funcs.sql (r1.64.2.3 -> r1.64.2.4)

-------------- next part --------------
Index: slony1_funcs.sql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/slony1/slony1-engine/src/backend/slony1_funcs.sql,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -Lsrc/backend/slony1_funcs.sql -Lsrc/backend/slony1_funcs.sql -u -w -r1.64.2.3 -r1.64.2.4
--- src/backend/slony1_funcs.sql
+++ src/backend/slony1_funcs.sql
@@ -5207,7 +5207,7 @@
 	result := '''';
 	prefix := ''('';   -- Initially, prefix is the opening paren
-	for prec in select @NAMESPACE at .slon_quote_input(a.attname) as column from @NAMESPACE at .sl_table t, pg_catalog.pg_attribute a where t.tab_id = $1 and t.tab_reloid = a.attrelid and a.attnum > 0 order by attnum
+	for prec in select @NAMESPACE at .slon_quote_input(a.attname) as column from @NAMESPACE at .sl_table t, pg_catalog.pg_attribute a where t.tab_id = $1 and t.tab_reloid = a.attrelid and a.attnum > 0 and a.attisdropped = false order by attnum
 		result := result || prefix || prec.column;
 		prefix := '','';   -- Subsequently, prepend columns with commas

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