CVS User Account cvsuser
Wed Mar 16 21:15:14 PST 2005
Log Message:
Added a "-c" to, a la psql.  If you only want to run
a small number of commands, this saves you the trouble of putting them
into a file first.

Removed the "node#" argument since this is derivable.  Replaced it
with a --node option so that it can be overridden if necessary.

Added an error check to make sure the set exists in the configuration

Modified Files:
    slony1-engine/tools/altperl: (r1.1 -> r1.2)

-------------- next part --------------
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/slony1/slony1-engine/tools/altperl/,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -Ltools/altperl/ -Ltools/altperl/ -u -w -r1.1 -r1.2
--- tools/altperl/
+++ tools/altperl/
@@ -8,17 +8,35 @@
 # Defaults
 $CONFIG_FILE = '@@SYSCONFDIR@@/slon_tools.conf';
 $SHOW_USAGE  = 0;
+$SCRIPT_ARG  = "";
+# Allow this to be specified.  Otherwise it will be pulled from
+# the get_set function.
+$node = 0;
 # Read command-line options
 GetOptions("config=s" => \$CONFIG_FILE,
-	   "help"     => \$SHOW_USAGE);
+	   "help"     => \$SHOW_USAGE,
+	   "c=s"      => \$SCRIPT_ARG,
+           "n|node=s" => \$node);
 my $USAGE =
-"Usage: execute_script [--config file] set# node# full_path_to_sql_script_file
-    Executes the contents of a SQL script file on the specified set and node.
-    The script only needs to exist on the machine running the slon daemon.
+    execute_script [options] set# full_path_to_sql_script_file
+    execute_script [options] -c SCRIPT set#
+    Executes the contents of a SQL script file on the specified set.
+    The script only needs to exist on the machine running the slon
+    daemon.
+    set#        The set to which this script applies.
+    -c SCRIPT   Pass the SQL to be executed via the command line instead
+                of as a file.
+    -n NUM
+    --node=NUM  Override the set origin specified in the configuration
+                file.
@@ -30,7 +48,7 @@
 require '@@PGLIBDIR@@/';
 require $CONFIG_FILE;
-my ($set, $node, $file) = @ARGV;
+my ($set, $file) = @ARGV;
 if ($set =~ /^(?:set)?(\d+)$/) {
   $set = $1;
 } else {
@@ -38,15 +56,27 @@
   die $USAGE;
-if ($node =~ /^(?:node)?(\d+)$/) {
-  $node = $1;
-} else {
-  print "Invalid node identifier\n\n";
-  die $USAGE;
+get_set($set) or die "Non-existent set specified.\n";
+$node = $SET_ORIGIN unless $node;
+# We can either have -c SCRIPT or a filename as an argument.  The
+# latter takes precedence.
+if ($file) {
 unless ($file =~ /^\// and -f $file) {
-  print "SQL script path needs to be a full path, e.g. /tmp/my_script.sql\n\n";
+	print STDERR "SQL script path needs to be a full path, e.g. /tmp/my_script.sql\n\n";
+	die $USAGE;
+    }
+elsif ($SCRIPT_ARG) {
+    # Put the script into a file
+    $file = "/tmp/execute_script.sql.$$";
+    my $fh;
+    open $fh, ">", $file;
+    print $fh $SCRIPT_ARG;
+    close $fh;
+else {
+    print STDERR "You must include either a filename or a SQL statement on the command line to be run.\n\n";
   die $USAGE;

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