Fri Dec 9 22:29:35 PST 2005
- Previous message: [Slony1-commit] By cbbrowne: Draw in latest docs from 1.2 branch
- Next message: [Slony1-commit] By cbbrowne: Added notes on the 8.1 ENCODING issue - replicating Unicode
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Log Message: ----------- Add in separate handling of man pages Tags: ---- REL_1_1_STABLE Added Files: ----------- slony1-engine/doc/adminguide: man.sgml (r1.3.2.1) -------------- next part -------------- --- /dev/null +++ doc/adminguide/man.sgml @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +<!-- $Id: man.sgml,v 2005/12/09 22:27:47 cbbrowne Exp $ --> + +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.2//EN" [ + <!entity % version SYSTEM "version.sgml"> + %version; + <!entity % filelist SYSTEM "filelist.sgml"> + %filelist; + <!entity reference SYSTEM "reference.sgml"> + <!ENTITY slony1 "<PRODUCTNAME>Slony-I</PRODUCTNAME>"> + <!ENTITY postgres "<PRODUCTNAME>PostgreSQL</PRODUCTNAME>"> + <!ENTITY windows "<trademark>Windows</trademark>"> + <!ENTITY logship "log shipping"> + <!ENTITY rlocking " locking "> + <!ENTITY rddlchanges "distribution documentation on DDL changes"> + <!ENTITY rplainpaths "distribution documentation on plain paths"> + <!ENTITY rlistenpaths "distribution documentation on listen paths"> + <!ENTITY rmissingoids "error messages indicating missing OIDs"> + <!ENTITY fundroplisten "<function>droplisten(integer,integer,integer)</function>"> + <!ENTITY fundropset " <function>dropset(integer)</function>"> + <!ENTITY funmergeset "<function>mergeset(integer,integer)</function> "> + <!ENTITY funsetdroptable " <function>setdroptable(integer)</function> "> + <!ENTITY funstorelisten " <function>storelisten(integer,integer,integer)</function> "> + <!ENTITY funstorepath " <function>storepath(integer,integer,text,integer)</function> "> + <!ENTITY funstoreset " <function>storeset(integer,text)</function>"> + <!ENTITY funtableaddkey " <function>tableaddkey(text)</function>"> + <!ENTITY funsetaddtable "<function>setaddtable(integer,integer,text,name,text)</function>"> + <!ENTITY funsetaddsequence "<function>setaddsequence(integer,integer,text,text)</function>"> + <!ENTITY funsetdropsequence "<function>setdropsequence(integer)</function>"> + <!ENTITY funsetmovetable "<function>setmovetable(integer,integer)</function>"> + <!ENTITY funddlscript "<function>ddlscript(integer,text,integer)</function>"> + <!ENTITY fundropnode "<function>dropnode(integer)</function>"> + <!ENTITY funenablenode "<function>enablenode(integer)</function>"> + <!ENTITY fundroptrigger "<function>droptrigger(integer,name)</function>"> + <!ENTITY funfailednode "<function>failednode(integer,integer)</function>"> + <!ENTITY funinitializelocalnode "<function>initializelocalnode(integer,text)</function>"> + <!ENTITY funlockset "<function>lockset(integer)</function>"> + <!ENTITY funmoveset "<function>moveset(integer,integer)</function>"> + <!ENTITY fununlockset "<function>unlockset(integer)</function>"> + <!ENTITY fununsubscribeset "<function>unsubscribeset(integer,integer)</function>"> + <!ENTITY fununinstallnode "<function>uninstallnode()</function>"> + <!ENTITY funsetmovesequence "<function>setmovesequence(integer,integer)</function>"> + <!ENTITY funstoretrigger "<function>storetrigger(integer,name)</function>"> + <!ENTITY funsubscribeset "<function>subscribeset(integer,integer,integer,boolean)</function>"> + <!ENTITY slnode "<envar>sl_node</envar>"> + <!ENTITY slconfirm "<envar>sl_confirm</envar>"> +]> + +<book id="slony"> + <title>&slony1; &version; Documentation</title> + <bookinfo> + <corpauthor>The PostgreSQL Global Development Group</corpauthor> + <author> + <firstname>Christopher</firstname> + <surname>Browne</surname> + </author> + &legal; + </bookinfo> +<part id="commandreference"> + <title>Core &slony1; Programs</title> + &slon; + &slonconf; + &slonik; + &slonikref; +</part> +</book> + +<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file +Local variables: +mode:sgml +sgml-omittag:nil +sgml-shorttag:t +sgml-minimize-attributes:nil +sgml-always-quote-attributes:t +sgml-indent-step:1 +sgml-indent-data:t +sgml-parent-document:"book.sgml" +sgml-exposed-tags:nil +sgml-local-catalogs:("/usr/lib/sgml/catalog") +sgml-local-ecat-files:nil +End: +-->
- Previous message: [Slony1-commit] By cbbrowne: Draw in latest docs from 1.2 branch
- Next message: [Slony1-commit] By cbbrowne: Added notes on the 8.1 ENCODING issue - replicating Unicode
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