CVS User Account cvsuser
Tue Aug 31 14:52:32 PDT 2004
Log Message:
Added in documentation on how to do a "SET DROP TABLE."

Modified Files:
        helpitsbroken.txt (r1.4 -> r1.5)

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Index: helpitsbroken.txt
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/slony1/slony1-engine/doc/howto/helpitsbroken.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -Ldoc/howto/helpitsbroken.txt -Ldoc/howto/helpitsbroken.txt -u -w -r1.4 -r1.5
--- doc/howto/helpitsbroken.txt
+++ doc/howto/helpitsbroken.txt
@@ -155,3 +155,47 @@
 ALL SETS.  Thus, you can't restart numbering at 1 for a second set; if
 you are numbering them consecutively, a subsequent set has to start
 with IDs after where the previous set(s) left off.
+10.  I need to drop a table from a replication set, and I can't see
+how to do that.
+This can be accomplished several ways, not all equally desirable ;-).
+a) You could drop the whole replication set, and recreate it with just
+the tables that you need.  Alas, that means recopying a whole lot of
+data, and kills the usability of the cluster on the rest of the set
+while that's happening.
+b) Some day, someone will get around to implementing the Slonik
+command SET DROP TABLE, which will involve (roughly speaking) the
+following set of changes:
+ 1.  Need to augment the grammar to know about "set drop table"
+ 2.  Need to have a C function for set_drop_table
+ 3.  Need a stored procedure, droptable(), which initiates the event
+ 4.  Need another stored procedure, droptable_int() which does the
+      alterTableRestore(), tableDropKey()
+ 5.  I presume (haven't looked) that slon needs to have a case
+      statement added to allow it to propagate the "DROP_TABLE" 
+      event.
+That will happen when someone gets around to implementing it.  The
+likely "first volunteer" is Chris Browne <cbbrowne at>, but if
+somone gets to it first, he won't mind too much.
+c) The _essential_ functionality of SET DROP TABLE is the bits in step
+4, droptable_int().  You can fiddle this by hand by finding the table
+ID for the table you want to get rid of, which you can find in
+sl_table, and then run three queries, on each host:
+  select _slonyschema.alterTableRestore(40);
+  select _slonyschema.tableDropKey(40);
+  delete from _slonyschema.sl_table where tab_id = 40;
+The schema will obviously depend on how you defined the Slony-I
+cluster.  The table ID, in this case, 40, will need to change to the
+ID of the table you want to have go away.

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