David Fetter david at fetter.org
Sun May 23 06:55:59 PDT 2010
On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 02:58:01PM -0400, Steve Singer wrote:
> Gurjeet Singh wrote:
> > The doc-patch does make it more clear, but I don't think DROP
> > SCHEMA _slony_cluster_name CASCADE is something I'd like to do
> > with my running Slony replication. A cleaner way would be more
> > desirable.
> Another option you have is to restore the dump that you create of
> your pgbench schema to another database(a new one).  When you
> restore the CREATE TRIGGER statements will fail because the slony
> stored procedures won't exist in your new database.   This should
> leave you with your database - any slony stuff.  (I agree having to
> put up with 'errors' during the restore or make a second copy of the
> database just to do 'DROP SCHEMA' are both less than ideal
> solutions)

Would it help if some future version of pg_dump had some option to the
effect of, "leave out the following objects and everything that
depends on them?"

David Fetter <david at fetter.org> http://fetter.org/
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Skype: davidfetter      XMPP: david.fetter at gmail.com
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