Steve Singer ssinger at
Sun May 16 07:36:06 PDT 2010
Gurjeet Singh wrote:
> Hi All,
>     The docs here says 
> that post Postgres 8.3 version
> <snip>
>     * If you take a pg_dump of a Slony-I node, and drop out the Slony-I
>       namespace, this now cleanly removes /all/ Slony-I components,
>       leaving the database, /including its schema,/ in a "pristine",
>       consistent fashion, ready for whatever use may be desired. 
> </snip>
> But I see that when dumping a schema containing tables monitored by 
> Slony, the dump still shows the log triggers on those tables.

When it says 'drop out' it means use the 'DROP SCHEMA' postgresql 
command to drop out the slony schema this will remove your triggers. 
This only works with Slony1 2.0.0 or above (You were probably reading 
the 2.0.3 documentation on the website).    This is the same procedure 
you need to use against a master with 1.2 (but with 2.0 it works against 
both slaves and masters).

In 1.2.x slony munges the catalog on the slaves and dropping the slony 
schema from a slave will leave your leave in a bad state.

If your planning on using Slony 2.0.x you are better off with the tip of 
REL_2_0_STABLE from cvs versus 2.0.3 due to the 'invalid utf8' bug fixed 
a few weeks ago.

Does the attached documentation patch make that paragraph more clear?

> -- 
> gurjeet.singh
> @ EnterpriseDB - The Enterprise Postgres Company
> singh.gurjeet@{ gmail | yahoo }.com
> Twitter/Skype: singh_gurjeet
> Mail sent from my BlackLaptop device

Steve Singer
Afilias Canada
Data Services Developer
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