Christopher Browne cbbrowne at
Fri Jan 16 15:02:25 PST 2009
John Stockdale <jstockdale at> writes:
> FYI: We came across the same issue, and were tempted to make this
> exact modification.
> Chris: Can you double check the logic in this function. I don't ever
> see the log_txid get smaller (due to the cleanup thread no longer
> deleting entries from the table), so the condition is never met in
> 2.0. If you manually truncate the log or force the cleanup thread to
> delete entries like it did in 1.2, it works, but this kills
> performance and defeats the purpose of trying to truncating the table.

Yes, indeed, that describes the issue correctly.

Evidently I looked a little *too* literally at the code in
cleanupEvent(), where it uses the very same WHERE clause to see what
data should get deleted from sl_log_[12].  :-(

I have committed this change as suggested.
(format nil "~S@~S" "cbbrowne" "")
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