Scott G. Miller sgmiller at
Thu Jan 8 06:20:20 PST 2009
On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 8:19 AM, Scott G. Miller <sgmiller at> wrote:

> After enabling replication for a large database, I'm consistently seeing a
> state where logs will not switch.  sl_log_1 contains some decent number of
> rows (a few thousand), and sl_log_2 is growing.  Executing
> _replication.logswitch_start() and finish() has no effect, as both report
> switch still in progress.  This continues for days, until eventually there
> are millions of rows in sl_log_2, and sync times take 15s or more just to
> fetch rows to apply to the slave.
> Thoughts?

Oh, sorry, this is Slony-I 2.0 running on Postgres 8.3.3, simple
master/slave configuration with one database and 5 sets.
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