Thu Jun 28 15:07:10 PDT 2007
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I was running the DDL test against CVS HEAD; ran into the following failure: $ ./ testddl [...various output elided...] done Execute a script on each node, one by one execute DDL script on node 1 execute DDL script on node 2 ./ ERROR: Slonik error see /tmp/slony-regress.w29367/slonik.log for details insert into slony_tests (smoduleversion, sv_major, sv_minor, sv_patch, pg_version, uname_m, uname_r, uname_s, uname_v, hostname, tester_identity, testname, start_time, end_time, successful, failure_desc) values ('2.0.0', '2', '0', '0', 'PostgreSQL 8.3devel on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.1.3 20070601 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.2-12)', 'i686', '2.6.20-1-686', 'Linux', '#1 SMP Tue Apr 24 21:52:11 UTC 2007', '', 'j.random.luser at', 'testddl', '2007-06-28 20:33:14 UTC', '2007-06-28 20:35:32 UTC', 'false', 'Slonik error see /tmp/slony-regress.w29367/slonik.log for details'); cbbrowne at dba2:~> cat /tmp/slony-regress.w29367/slonik.log <stdin>:6: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR update table1 set seqed = nextval('t1seq'); - ERROR: Slony-I: Table table1 is replicated and cannot be modified on a subscriber node DDL script consisting of 5 SQL statements DDL Statement 0: (0,22) [create sequence t1seq;] DDL Statement 1: (22,67) [ alter table table1 add column seqed integer;] DDL Statement 2: (67,135) [ alter table table1 alter column seqed set default nextval('t1seq');] DDL Statement 3: (135,179) [ update table1 set seqed = nextval('t1seq');] cbbrowne at dba2:~> cat /tmp/slony-regress.w29367/slonik.script CLUSTER NAME = slony_regress1; NODE 1 ADMIN CONNINFO = 'dbname=slonyregress1 host=localhost user=cbbrowne port=5834'; NODE 2 ADMIN CONNINFO = 'dbname=slonyregress2 host=localhost user=cbbrowne port=5834'; NODE 3 ADMIN CONNINFO = 'dbname=slonyregress3 host=localhost user=cbbrowne port=5834'; EXECUTE SCRIPT ( SET ID = 1, FILENAME = 'testddl/ddl_update_part2.sql', EVENT NODE = 2, EXECUTE ONLY ON = 2 ); Looking at the schema for table1 on the 2nd database: slonyregress1@[local]:5834=# \c slonyregress2 You are now connected to database "slonyregress2". slonyregress2@[local]:5834=# \d table1 Table "public.table1" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+---------+----------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval('table1_id_seq'::regclass) data | text | Indexes: "table1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) Triggers: _slony_regress1_denyaccess BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON table1 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE _slony_regress1.denyaccess('_slony_regress1') Disabled Triggers: _slony_regress1_logtrigger AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON table1 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE _slony_regress1.logtrigger('_slony_regress1', '1', 'kv') Wild speculation: Evidently the "denyaccess" trigger is not being disabled when the EXECUTE SCRIPT request runs... Evidently this is a good test :-). -- output = ("cbbrowne" "@" "") <> Christopher Browne (416) 673-4124 (land)
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