component_state(i_eventtype text, i_event integer, i_starttime integer, i_activity integer, i_conn_pid text, i_node timestamp with time zone, i_pid bigint, i_actor text)

8.33. component_state(i_eventtype text, i_event integer, i_starttime integer, i_activity integer, i_conn_pid text, i_node timestamp with time zone, i_pid bigint, i_actor text)

Function Properties

Language: PLPGSQL

Return Type: integer

Store state of a Slony component. Useful for monitoring

	-- Trim out old state for this component
	if not exists (select 1 from sl_components where co_actor = i_actor) then
	   insert into sl_components 
             (co_actor, co_pid, co_node, co_connection_pid, co_activity, co_starttime, co_event, co_eventtype)
              (i_actor, i_pid, i_node, i_conn_pid, i_activity, i_starttime, i_event, i_eventtype);
	   update sl_components 
                 co_connection_pid = i_conn_pid, co_activity = i_activity, co_starttime = i_starttime, co_event = i_event,
                 co_eventtype = i_eventtype
              where co_actor = i_actor 
	      	    and co_starttime < i_starttime;
	end if;
	return 1;