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6.65. failoverset_int(integer, integer, integer, bigint)
Function Properties
Language: PLPGSQL
Return Type: integer
FUNCTION failoverSet_int (failed_node, backup_node, set_id, wait_seqno) Finish failover for one set.declare p_failed_node alias for $1; p_backup_node alias for $2; p_set_id alias for $3; p_wait_seqno alias for $4; v_row record; v_last_sync int8; begin -- ---- -- Grab the central configuration lock -- ---- lock table sl_config_lock; -- ---- -- Change the origin of the set now to the backup node. -- On the backup node this includes changing all the -- trigger and protection stuff -- ---- if p_backup_node = getLocalNodeId('_schemadoc') then delete from sl_setsync where ssy_setid = p_set_id; delete from sl_subscribe where sub_set = p_set_id and sub_receiver = p_backup_node; update sl_set set set_origin = p_backup_node where set_id = p_set_id; for v_row in select * from sl_table where tab_set = p_set_id order by tab_id loop perform alterTableConfigureTriggers(v_row.tab_id); end loop; insert into sl_event (ev_origin, ev_seqno, ev_timestamp, ev_snapshot, ev_type, ev_data1, ev_data2, ev_data3, ev_data4) values (p_backup_node, "pg_catalog".nextval('sl_event_seq'), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, pg_catalog.txid_current_snapshot(), 'ACCEPT_SET', p_set_id::text, p_failed_node::text, p_backup_node::text, p_wait_seqno::text); else delete from sl_subscribe where sub_set = p_set_id and sub_receiver = p_backup_node; update sl_set set set_origin = p_backup_node where set_id = p_set_id; end if; -- update sl_node -- set no_active=false WHERE -- no_id=p_failed_node; -- Rewrite sl_listen table perform RebuildListenEntries(); -- ---- -- If we are a subscriber of the set ourself, change our -- setsync status to reflect the new set origin. -- ---- if exists (select true from sl_subscribe where sub_set = p_set_id and sub_receiver = getLocalNodeId( '_schemadoc')) then delete from sl_setsync where ssy_setid = p_set_id; select coalesce(max(ev_seqno), 0) into v_last_sync from sl_event where ev_origin = p_backup_node and ev_type = 'SYNC'; if v_last_sync > 0 then insert into sl_setsync (ssy_setid, ssy_origin, ssy_seqno, ssy_snapshot, ssy_action_list) select p_set_id, p_backup_node, v_last_sync, ev_snapshot, NULL from sl_event where ev_origin = p_backup_node and ev_seqno = v_last_sync; else insert into sl_setsync (ssy_setid, ssy_origin, ssy_seqno, ssy_snapshot, ssy_action_list) values (p_set_id, p_backup_node, '0', '1:1:', NULL); end if; end if; return p_failed_node; end;