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1.21. add_missing_table_field( text, text, text, text )
Function Properties
Language: PLPGSQL
Return Type: boolean
Add a column of a given type to a table if it is missingDECLARE p_namespace alias for $1; p_table alias for $2; p_field alias for $3; p_type alias for $4; v_row record; v_query text; BEGIN select 1 into v_row from pg_namespace n, pg_class c, pg_attribute a where slon_quote_brute(n.nspname) = p_namespace and c.relnamespace = n.oid and slon_quote_brute(c.relname) = p_table and a.attrelid = c.oid and slon_quote_brute(a.attname) = p_field; if not found then raise notice 'Upgrade table %.% - add field %', p_namespace, p_table, p_field; v_query := 'alter table ' || p_namespace || '.' || p_table || ' add column '; v_query := v_query || p_field || ' ' || p_type || ';'; execute v_query; return 't'; else return 'f'; end if; END;