
UPDATE FUNCTIONS --  Reload stored functions




Reloads stored functions for a node.

Reloads all stored procedure and function definitions in the Slony-I schema for the specified node. This command is usually part of the Slony-I software upgrade procedure.

ID = ival

The node to refresh.


    ID = 3        # Update functions on node 3

Locking Behaviour

No application-visible locking should take place.

Slonik Event Confirmation Behaviour

Slonik does not wait for event confirmations before performing this command.

Version Information

This command was introduced in Slony-I 1.0


Any mismatch between slonik and the C libraries "living" in the PostgreSQL installation will result in this failing to do what is expected, and, more than likely, failing to run at all. You may think you are upgrading to version 1.1.5, but if you are running slonik from version 1.1.2, or if you didn't restart the database with a version that has 1.1.5 libraries, and instead are referencing C stored functions from version 1.1.1, the attempt to upgrade will fail, because the sets of C functions have regularly changed between major versions.

Before Slony-I 1.2, the error messages that would result would be not terribly informative; what you'd find, in PostgreSQL logs, is some error message about being unable to load some stored function that happens to be implemented in C. As of 1.2, one of the first things done is to load a stored function to verify version numbers; it complains in a much more direct fashion if you have some versioning mismatch.