4.4. Locking Issues

One of the usual merits of the use, by PostgreSQL, of Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) is that this eliminates a whole host of reasons to need to lock database objects. On some other database systems, you need to acquire a table lock in order to insert data into the table; that can severely hinder performance. On other systems, read locks can impede writes; with MVCC, PostgreSQL eliminates that whole class of locks in that "old reads" can access "old tuples." Most of the time, this allows the gentle user of PostgreSQL to not need to worry very much about locks. Slony-I configuration events normally grab locks on an internal table, sl_config_lock, which should not be visible to applications unless they are performing actions on Slony-I components.

Unfortunately, there are several sorts of Slony-I events that do require exclusive locks on PostgreSQL tables, with the result that modifying Slony-I configuration can bring back some of those "locking irritations." In particular:

When Slony-I locks a table that a running application later tries to access the application will be blocked waiting for the lock. It is also possible for a running application to create a deadlock situation with Slony-I when they each have obtained locks that the other is waiting for.

Several possible solutions to this are: