8.137. updatereloid(p_only_on_node integer, p_set_id integer)

Function Properties

Language: PLPGSQL

Return Type: bigint

updateReloid(set_id, only_on_node) Updates the respective reloids in sl_table and sl_seqeunce based on their respective FQN

        v_no_id                 int4;
        v_set_origin            int4;
	prec			record;
        -- ----
        -- Check that we either are the set origin or a current
        -- subscriber of the set.
        -- ----
        v_no_id := getLocalNodeId('_schemadoc');
        select set_origin into v_set_origin
                        from sl_set
                        where set_id = p_set_id
                        for update;
        if not found then
                raise exception 'Slony-I: set % not found', p_set_id;
        end if;
        if v_set_origin <> v_no_id
                and not exists (select 1 from sl_subscribe
                        where sub_set = p_set_id
                        and sub_receiver = v_no_id)
                return 0;
        end if;

        -- ----
        -- If execution on only one node is requested, check that
        -- we are that node.
        -- ----
        if p_only_on_node > 0 and p_only_on_node <> v_no_id then
                return 0;
        end if;

	-- Update OIDs for tables to values pulled from non-table objects in pg_class
	-- This ensures that we won't have collisions when repairing the oids
	for prec in select tab_id from sl_table loop
		update sl_table set tab_reloid = (select oid from pg_class pc where relkind <> 'r' and not exists (select 1 from sl_table t2 where t2.tab_reloid = pc.oid) limit 1)
		where tab_id = prec.tab_id;
	end loop;

	for prec in select tab_id, tab_relname, tab_nspname from sl_table loop
	        update sl_table set
        	        tab_reloid = (select PGC.oid
	                from pg_catalog.pg_class PGC, pg_catalog.pg_namespace PGN
	                where slon_quote_brute(PGC.relname) = slon_quote_brute(prec.tab_relname)
	                        and PGC.relnamespace = PGN.oid
				and slon_quote_brute(PGN.nspname) = slon_quote_brute(prec.tab_nspname))
		where tab_id = prec.tab_id;
	end loop;

	for prec in select seq_id from sl_sequence loop
		update sl_sequence set seq_reloid = (select oid from pg_class pc where relkind <> 'S' and not exists (select 1 from sl_sequence t2 where t2.seq_reloid = pc.oid) limit 1)
		where seq_id = prec.seq_id;
	end loop;

	for prec in select seq_id, seq_relname, seq_nspname from sl_sequence loop
	        update sl_sequence set
	                seq_reloid = (select PGC.oid
	                from pg_catalog.pg_class PGC, pg_catalog.pg_namespace PGN
	                where slon_quote_brute(PGC.relname) = slon_quote_brute(prec.seq_relname)
                	and PGC.relnamespace = PGN.oid
			and slon_quote_brute(PGN.nspname) = slon_quote_brute(prec.seq_nspname))
		where seq_id = prec.seq_id;
	end loop;

	return 1;