8.42. ddlscript_complete(p_nodes text)

Function Properties

Language: PLPGSQL

Return Type: bigint

ddlScript_complete(set_id, script, only_on_node) After script has run on origin, this fixes up relnames and log trigger arguments and inserts the "fire ddlScript_complete_int() log row into sl_log_script.

	c_local_node	integer;
	c_found_origin	boolean;
	c_node			text;
	c_cmdargs		text[];
	c_local_node := getLocalNodeId('_schemadoc');

	c_cmdargs = '{}'::text[];
	if p_nodes is not null then
		c_found_origin := 'f';
		-- p_nodes list needs to consist o a list of nodes that exist
		-- and that include the current node ID
		for c_node in select trim(node) from
				pg_catalog.regexp_split_to_table(p_nodes, ',') as node loop
			if not exists 
					(select 1 from sl_node 
					where no_id = (c_node::integer)) then
				raise exception 'ddlcapture(%,%) - node % does not exist!', 
					p_statement, p_nodes, c_node;
		   end if;

		   if c_local_node = (c_node::integer) then
		   	  c_found_origin := 't';
		   end if;

		   c_cmdargs = array_append(c_cmdargs, c_node);
	   end loop;

		if not c_found_origin then
			raise exception 
				'ddlScript_complete(%) - origin node % not included in ONLY ON list!',
				p_nodes, c_local_node;
       end if;
    end if;

	perform ddlScript_complete_int();

	insert into sl_log_script
			(log_origin, log_txid, log_actionseq, log_cmdtype, log_cmdargs)
			(c_local_node, pg_catalog.txid_current(), 
			nextval('sl_action_seq'), 's', c_cmdargs);

	return currval('sl_action_seq');